The After Y2K/MLP Conspiracy

The Real Reason MLP Production Stopped

Update!  --After Y2K
Yay!  The aliens, for the most part, have given up on confiscating all My Little Ponies!  They're now resorting to Beanie Babies again.  It seems even now that they've managed to infiltrate Beanie Baby headquarters.  Where will they go from here?

When did it start?
The Aliens have been trying to take over the Earth ever since they first discovered it, about fifty years ago.

Where will it happen?
Globally, though so far, the main efforts have been in the United States and the UK.

Why My Little Ponies?
My Little Ponies have proved to be especially successful with human children, especially girls, who will grow up to have their own children.  The Aliens apply their toy control/child control/society control theory here.

What is it?
The Y2K/MLP Conspiracy is the Aliens' plans for abducting all MLPs during the Y2K crisis, applying mind-altering chemicals that will enslave humans to the Aliens, and then releasing the My Little Ponies around the world.  And if it succeeds...they plan to take over the Universe!

Who is behind it?

How did it come to be?

The question arises--how can we continue to collect MLPs, while at the same time, hindering the Aliens' efforts, but also encouraging the re-re-release of MLPs?
  1. Trade/sell/buy with other traders/buyers/sellers
  2. Watch out for dishonest sellers/traders. They may even be aliens!!!!!!!!!!!
And finally, join the Y2KMLPCARF.  To join, just put the following logo on your webpage, with a link back to this page.  Even if you decide not to join, feel free to link back to this page.  The alternate logo is provided for this purpose.


Legalese:  All rights reserved.  Content is copyright 1999 by Buffy.  My Little Pony and Furby are trademarks of Hasbro.  Beanie Babies are a trademark of TY. Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft.  This site is not sponsored or endorsed or in any way financially supported by these companies, the Whitehouse, or any Alien Empire.  Names have been changed where appropriate to protect the innocent.  This is a work of fiction (possibly, muhahahaha) and any resemblance between persons alive or dead, aliens alive or dead, Elvis, places, things, ideas, and any other nouns is completely and for the most part coincidental.  Brought to you by the number 2 and the letters Y, K, M, L, P, C A, R, AND F.  Oh, yeah.  For entertainment purposes only.