My Little Pony Geek Code

Just as there's the original geek code, a lego geek code, and a homeschool geek code, there's now a My Little Pony geek code.

The completed code sig file would look kinda like the following:


!    before a code means you refuse to comment, or you are opposed to it;
*    means the ultimate;
>    is where you want to go.

!C would be "I don't collect My Little Ponies.  Don't even talk to me about them."
C* would mean "I have the ultimate collection."
C>C* would mean "I have 50+ ponies, but want the ultimate collection."


C*        I am Hasbro.  I make ponies.  I have all ponies.  I have pony
          molds.  I have pony files.  I have the ultimate collection.
C+++++    500+
C++++     400+
C+++      300+
C++       200+
C+        100+
C         50+
C-        20+
C--       1+
C---      None, but maybe soon.

New Ponies VS. Old Ponies:

NP*       I designed the New Ponies.
OP*       I designed the Old Ponies.
P++       I collect both new and old Ponies.
PO+       I collect old ponies, but have bought some of the new.
PN+       I collect new ponies, but have bought some of the old.
PN        Old ponies suck.  I collect new ponies exclusively.
PO        New ponies suck.  I collect old ponies exclusively.
P-        My Little Ponies suck.  I don't collect any.

Years Collecting:

To declare how long you've been collecting My Little Ponies, put a "Y"
and then the number of years you've collected.  (Or put "M" and the number
of months.)


A++++     40+ years
A+++      30+ years
A++       20+ years
A+        13-19 years
A         8-12 years
A-        7 or younger
!A        None of yer business


FG        Female
MG        Male
!G        None of yer business

Hard to Find ponies:

MOC:  Mint on Card:  "Ponies still in their box."
MO:   Mail-order:  "Ponies offered by Hasbro through a mail-order only.
FP:   Foreign Pony:  "Ponies non-native to the collector's country.
      Example:  Non So-soft Wind Whistler was sold in Europe, but not in
      the U.S.  So that pony would be foreign to a U.S. collector.  On the
      other hand, sparkle babies were only sold in the U.S., so they
      would be foreign to a European collector."

To show how many of these you have, just put a number after the abbreviation.
For Example, you might have 2 MOC ponies, 5 mail-order ponies, and 1 foreign
pony.  The code would look like this:


Other items:

Some people collect other items.  Below is the code for the items.

IA Pony accessories, or what each pony came with.
IO Pony (and Megan) outfits.
IP Plush ponies.
IZ Puzzles.
IV Videos.
IS Party supplies.
IB Bed sheets, sleeping bags, bed tent.
IL Lunch Box and Thermos sets.
IF Ceramic figurines.
IC Pony charms.
ICP Petite ponies.
IT Other pony things.
!I "I don't collect any pony items."

To declare how many of an item you own, just put the number after the
abbreviation.  If I had 3 plush ponies, the code would be IP3.  To simplify,
just list the main things you collect or would like to collect.  Use a dot to
separate the Other Items category from those categories coming before and after.

i.e.  MOC4.IO3IV2ICP9.H+


H*        I have my own, with oodles of pony stuff.
H+++      I have a large site, updated on a regular basis, with lots of
          different things for visitors to see and do.
H++       I have a site with some cool stuff on it that I update once in
          a while.
H+        I have a small site that has my want list, trade list and collection
          listed on it.
H         I don't have a site yet, but I'm working on getting one.
H-        I don't have a pony site and don't want one. Newsgroup:

N++       I'm a regular post-er there.
N+        I read all the posts and even post my own topic every now and then.
N         I read a few posts and reply when something interests me.
N-        I'm a lurker.  I read posts but don't reply or post my own.
N--       I'm suscribed, but I never read the posts or post my own.
N---      What is

My Little Pony Chat rooms:

T+++      I own a Pony chat room.
T++       I regularly visit the Pony chat rooms.
T+        I go every now and then when I'm bored.
T+        I've been to a pony chat room a few times.
T         I went to a pony chat room once.
T-        I've never been to a pony chat room before.

My Little Pony Message Boards:

MB+++     I own a Pony message board.
MB++      I'm a regular post-er on all Pony message boards.
MB+       I'm a regular post-er on a Pony message board.
MB        I go to one every now and then.
MB-       I went to a Pony message board once.
MB--      I'd only go if someone held a gun to my head.

My Little Pony Mailing Lists:

ML+++     I'm the administrator of a Pony mailing list.
ML++      I'm suscribed to several Pony mailing lists.
ML+       I'm suscribed to a Pony mailing list.
ML        I used to be suscribed, but it was just too much mail
ML-       I've never been suscribed.

eBay Activities:

E*        I own stock in eBay.
E+++      I regulary buy and/or sell on eBay.  I'm rich, na na nanana.
E++       I buy/sell once in a while.
E+        I've bought/sold once on eBay.
E         I haven't bought/sold, but am planning to.
E-        I would never buy/sell on eBay.
!E        People who buy/sell on eBay suck!