The Infamous Stupid Test!!!!

When angry, you should insult somebody twice your size, preferably someone 
wearing tattoos, chains, and a Harley-Davidson t-shirt:
For better eye health, you should stare at the sun at least three times a day:
The best place to be in a lightning storm is near metal power lines:
On bad hair days, you should stick a fork in a light socket:
If you see a sign that says, "No Swimming: Sharks", you should ignore it.
Who's stupid enough to be scared of a fish, anyway?:
If the fish in your regular swimming hole are bothering you though, you should
stock your swimming hole with alligators to keep the fish away. 
Nobody likes fish nibbling on their toes and this has proven effective against them:
If you're tired of dieting, the best way to get a flat tummy is to
lie down in the middle of the highway:
If your candles won't light at night, place an aluminum pan inside the microwave,
set for thirty seconds, and start:
To get a quick tan, you should rub gasoline all over you and sit around a campfire:
Did you answer true to any of the questions here?:

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