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First Name :   WYCKED
e-mail address :
Comment :   verrry nice
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First Name :   Master Tom
e-mail address :   
Comment :   Great site krystynn! you bring honor to your Sir, and i think He is exceptionally lucky.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   joey
e-mail address :
Comment :   this girl and you do not speak..but wanted you to know the webpage is very beautifully done..*s
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Dawn
e-mail address :
Comment :   A lovely site for a wonderful person. Be well
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   ~Deborah~
e-mail address :
Comment :   Hello My good friend krystynn... It's an honour to know you little one, and to have you as My well in all that you do xxx
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   *~yaz~*
e-mail address :
Comment :   luv the sitexxxxx
URL of your web site :
First Name :   Master Knight
e-mail address :
Comment :   A wonderful site, I really love the poems and the other writings, especially the journal, it speaks of a wonderful submissive, who honors her Master with her entire being, the slave she is, sincerely, ...
URL of your web site :
First Name :   BoB
e-mail address :
Comment :   Hello lil-one hope the nasty memories of a certain one are gone *S*
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   AAron
e-mail address :
Comment :   i think your site was very interesting and i would like for you to tell me more about what you do
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   jackel
e-mail address :   
Comment :   Very, VERY nicely done, sweetie. My compliments. The extra pics were a most pleasant treat....**EG**.... Have a GREAT day.....
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Micky (Rote)
e-mail address :
Comment :   Great site..and interesting approach to our way.....we should talk more on this
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Toni
e-mail address :
Comment :   beautiful, intelligent, and most respectable subbie...she brightens the room upon her arrival....
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   alexandria
e-mail address :
Comment :   beautiful site done by an equally beautiful sub, one that i will always be honored to know. Peace sis.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   dave
e-mail address :
Comment :   hi there, lovely site, very sexy, id love to chat. im 32 from irland, and in to the scene. dave xx
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Joe
e-mail address :
Comment :   WOW..... YOU are soooooooooo very beautiful!!!!!!!! would really love to chat with you sometime.. my yahoo name is lvrofpain but i get my mail thru hotmail.... hope to see more pics of you soon! Joe
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Master Weedeater
e-mail address :
Comment :   have briefly encountered you in the BDSM chat. My congratulations to B/both of Y/you. your efforts, and willingness to share, are appreciated. Keep up the good work.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Floydk
e-mail address :
Comment :   Very nice site. Master Eathan is a lucky man.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Master David
e-mail address :
Comment :   You are indeed a lost soul in a beutiful body, your submission wud be my pleasure if you ever part from your master.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Punisher
e-mail address :
Comment :   Nice site and nice person. I wish you both a good, bright live.
URL of your web site :
First Name :   steve
e-mail address :
Comment :   A beautiful girl with excellent stories...... you have done your master proud with this website. As a dom I would be proud to own your very being . Besides anyone who knows the COWBOYS rule has the intelligence to be a true submissive. thanks . Dom
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   nikki
e-mail address :
Comment :   Beautiful page, very nicely done. i do not know you *s* but hope to meet you in the future.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   martin
e-mail address :
Comment :   Lucky guy, I wish i could make use of you . You look like a great slave and such an asset
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   phil
e-mail address :   HONDAST1100@AOL.COM
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   redvixen
e-mail address :
Comment :   well my dear sweet sister, and Master Ethan, Y/you B/both know how my life has been this past year, the pain i have felt and the pain i have caused. There has always been one thing, one light, although i have tried to extinguish it at times, run and hide
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Michael Rushton
e-mail address :
Comment :   I Loved ....I lost..Be Happy B/both
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Emily
e-mail address :   
Comment :   I'm not into BDSM, just curious. It is apparent that you two truly love and respect eachother, putting to rest any fallacy I had about this type of lifestyle. Thanks for the insight :) The sketch is beautiful by the way.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Manno
e-mail address :
Comment :   Hi Krystynn, nice to see you all settled and collared at last, hope you are both very happy. Give my regards to Ethan Manno
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Nicole
e-mail address :
Comment :   I found a link to your site from Stephen's personal ads. Just wanted to compliment you on your artwork and site!
URL of your web site :
First Name :   mandy
e-mail address :
Comment :   Hi sis I wondered across your web page, its truely a great site. I loved your pic's, very classy. I am a 24/7 and was collared just on 2 years back now, and have resided with my Mistress since then, I will show my Mistress your site, I would love to have
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Master Ethan
e-mail address :
Comment :   My girl, once again I'm back to look at the way My girl portrays herself on the Web... and as usual, My girl, you make Me proud.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   jules
e-mail address :
Comment :   Just a friend of Sir Waranio's stopping bye. Nice site sis krystynn. Be well.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   oj
e-mail address :
Comment :   May the Chrismas season be blessed apon you
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   ~joelle~
e-mail address :   
Comment :   krystynn, a girl is saddened to read your knows we do not talk and are far from being friends..but we were once and her heart feels for you...M/many care about you and T/they are there to lean on..please know this one does feel your pain..a sis
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Damien
e-mail address :
Comment :   Thankyou krystynn - for the lovely website, and also for being the impressive girl I had the pleasure of meeting tonight. My sincere best wishes for the future of your lovely heart, and for the fruition of every worthy hope that fine heart holds - *S*
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   TK
e-mail address :
Comment :   its good to see you again *S*
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   hathor {I
e-mail address :   
Comment :   sis a very nice site thank you for sharing
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Susan
e-mail address :
Comment :   lovly photos!
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Italian Knight
e-mail address :
Comment :   I justlove your entrance picture the one on the bed like a baby picture. you are delightful and very sexy . I do not understand why your former master released you into this big bad world . You would have never been released by me.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Master Alan
e-mail address :
Comment :   Hello krys, It was nice to talk to you and i hope i can continue to help you as and when it may be needed, be well little one...
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Straimanus
e-mail address :
Comment :   Interesting? I think that you need to be a little tougher, or life will eat you alive. Call me a cynic but....
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   fairmaiden{MW
e-mail address :
Comment :   my little sis...your pages are beautifully done, depicting a soul full of wonder and an excitment to evolve further down the path of finding your most hidden emotions. with much love and tenderness on your fantastic journey. *tender hugs and soft kisse
URL of your web site :
First Name :   Grymalkian "King of Cats"
e-mail address :
Comment :   We were shadows dancing among the new dark moon. And your eyes held me paralysed within the breath of time. I slipped between the shadows of your soul. Lookin for the freedom of my expression, my will, over your mind. We kept the sacre
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   shani*{K
e-mail address :
Comment :   Very well done. Your site is an asset to our Community. Please keep up the great work. *smile*
URL of your web site :
First Name :   yoyo7
e-mail address :
Comment :   Last time i don't sign but i must do it now, because i love your green eyes. kiss
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   st
e-mail address :   
Comment :   your site is as beautiful as you are, dont loose stght of whats important in your life.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Michael
e-mail address :
Comment :   Just a short note to say hello, litle one... and of appreciation for a lovely site into which much care and thought has been given.
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   master_efes
e-mail address :
Comment :   A true relief to find such honest and beautiful pages spreading the word of True Love to our beloved community. Keep up the good work ! (and contact us soon...) Master Efes and dree
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Jade Willowsong
e-mail address :
Comment :   I am deeply honoured to have been given the opportunity of viewing your site. It is wonderful!
URL of your web site :   
First Name :   Tom
e-mail address :
Comment :   nice clean site good writings and thoughts
URL of your web site :   
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