~ Peaceful Night ~

Hear the peaceful quiet
Of the night that falls with ease
Remember this great treasure
As you close your eyes appeased

Someone out there tries to hear
This very special sound
But pain and hurt is filled within
Their peace cannot be found

They suffer with such dignity
They take all pain in stride
They offer it for something else
This pain so deep inside

What special gifts they offer
Their body wracked with pain
They try to find their spirit
Each day it seems in vain

Very special souls these are
That suffer day by day
Never do complain about
Misfortune in their way

I think about them every day
I whisper special prayer
When their night has ended
Let angel's wings linger

Knowing they deserve a night
That's filled with gentle rest
I'd offer this one night to them
With love my heart's bequest

Pray for all these people
Who have such strength and love
I hope they feel the comfort from
God's angels up above

Sweet angel sit beside them
Brush their furrowed brow
Kiss away the pain this night
Give sweet peace somehow

Although they suffer daily
They are eagles high in flight
Showing us with dignity
How to greet the morning's light

Sits before a pond of tears
Reflects on life in rain
Water soothes the gentle heart
Like silk to calm the pain

Tears are shed in silence
As they go along their way
Grateful just for knowing
That someone cares today.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
© original 2001

written exclusively for
Encouragement Well
please do NOT take it.

Ever hear the saying a penny for luck?
Around the world there are fountains to throw your penny in, to make a wish. Well our well is here to draw from. So take time today to draw some encouragement for yourself, as you journey for a better way of living with Chronic pain and Illness.
Those of us who suffer on a daily basis constantly fight to keep up the good fight. To walk in victory and learn how to NOT allow our pain to control our lives. This can be so very hard at times. The pain is so bad our bodies are screaming out with it. After a while it affects our whole person. The "tude" begins to sink, depression marches in like a battalion of soldiers set for war, and the outcome looks bleak, dark, and lonely. Let me tell you today. You are not alone.
Whether you suffer from arthritis,cancer,chronic fatigue syndrome,degenrative disk disease,depression,diabetes,endometriosis, fibromyalgia,headaches,heart disease,insomnia,lupus,mental health,multiple sclerosis,chronic pain,sjogren'syndrome,thyroid disease,urinary incontinence.
To name a "few" (smile)
It makes no difference.
We all find ourselves, wondering how to cope.
Life is not the same.
Grab a cup of your favorite beverage find a comfy position, and sit a spell, and draw as much as you want from our
Encouragement Well.

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Note--the legal stuff: Please consult your doctor(s) regarding your personal medical treatment, and an attorney regarding any personal legal problems. We are not physicians or legal professionals. This site is for informational, support, and fellowship purposes only. We can take no responsibility for anything adverse that might occur as a direct or indirect result of use of this site. Special note on copyrights -- we have done our best to respect copyright notices where we have found them, and hereby declare that there was no intent to infringe copyright with anything we have put on the site. We ask that anyone aware that we have used copyright's materials without proper credit/permission please notify us immediately.
