~The News~

I recieved the "News" today

I cried all the way home

Seems my life I once knew

Has now come and gone

He told me that I would worsen

That my body was going down,

Then he said the hated word

Crippling Arthritis is what he found.

I received the "News" today

He said my life would be one of pain

Everyday I would feel it,

No reason he could explain.

I received the "News" today

No more busy bee

No more climbing mountains

No more chasing dreams.

I received the "News" today

my body is broken and gone,

but one thing He can't take away

my heart, my soul, my song.

I received the "news" today

tell me what do I do now?

I have to learn to live this life

some~way, sometime, somehow...

.Father the "News" has left me lost

I feel like I don't belong

My heart tells me one thing

Surely it can't be wrong

Father the "News" has terrified me

I don't know how to cope

So on your grace I'm hanging

I've doubled knotted this here rope

Father the "News" is a robber

it's a thief, come to take my life

I feel it's tugs towards bitterness,

of grief, anger, and ugly strife

Father the "News" is an opportunity?

Please explain this to this pour heart,

Another chance at ministry?

A place where again I can start?

Father I give you this "News" today

And I'll try not to take it back,

help me walk in victory

and remember NOT to ever look back.

by Marilyn McQuaig



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song: Refresh My Heart