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Teaching Philosophy
Science vs. Faith
Investigating God
Racial Reconciliation Essay


As I have studied this topic, I have come to believe that faith and science are not only connected but also interdependent. It troubles me to hear people say that a person can have one but not the other. That is simply not true. Sadly, there are people who either don't understand their faith, their science, or both. For this reason, I have started "faith vs. science" discussions and many students are amazed at what they learn. I am available to lead a discussion by appointment.

Let's suppose we were all born in your house and lived together till the present. The house has no windows or doors (no contact with the outside). The house is all you have ever known. We would wonder and speculate about the outside. Some would say we are all there is and others would contend there must be other places like ours. Is there any way that we could know that someone besides us exists?

Take a look at any human-made system. Say a pencil, chair, or even a computer. Systems will range from the simple to the complex (What would you consider to be the simplist system? What would you consider to be the most complex system?).

If I showed you a ball-point pen, would you say that someone made that pen?

Is there any system you can think of that does not have a source or someone who created it?

All systems have 3 parts: 1. SOURCE - an idea (intelligent thought), 2. PROCESS - steps of development, and 3. SYSTEM - finished product which exists without the source.

Think of nature-based systems. What is the simplist system in nature? Compare that to the most complex human-made system. Which one is more complex?

All nature-based systems are much more complex than all human-made systems. If all human-made systems have a source, how can we say that nature-based systems do not have a source?

Big Bang and Evolution Theory
With regards to the system discussion above, Big Bang and Evolution theory are merely the process, but do not answer the question - Is there a source? It is logically plausible that there is a source (i.e., God), and that does not contradict findings in science.

Thanks to Einstein and the Big Bang Theory, the correlation of science and faith have actually found an uncanny correlation. For example, the Genesis account in the Bible uniquely matches dates, times, and creations of various life with Big Bang and Evolution theory. The results are so striking that many are left speechless at the findings.




