~* ÇLéøÞ§ FÅmÏ£ÿ *~
...::: BaCK To Hom3Pag3 :::....
Yeah this is my mom..in filo..i call her "nannay"
so yeah..well she the best as well!!. she can cook really good food aye..i dont think you'll go hungry in mah
place..eehehehe i love her to death mangz..
i talk to her about some of my secrets..but not boi
problems..cuz..i know she'll kick ma ass and tell
mah bros which i wud not want to happen!!..
so yeah..she takes care of me heaps..and i know she'll
always be there for me no matter what happens..
she DA BOMB!!!
Well this is my dad..well..he is aightz..
strict as always but...i can get mah ways at times.. *lol* .ummm..as usuall..i get the usuall lectures..
blah blah blah.but overall..he is kewls...if he's  happii..i always get mah ways..if you know what i mean..especially when mah kuyas are gone!!
.~* daddies gurl *~...yeah..thass meh!!..*LoL*...
i mean..by him buying me a new laptop..with the lot..just cuz..i want it..i mean..aint dat enough to say
that im a daddies girl *lol* i wonder what he'll say
when i ask him to buy me a car..*winks*well yeah..
i dunnoe....he still is THA BOMB YEAH...
..Kuya Deo..
Well here we go..another cute..Most loved brother of mine..*LoL*..well this one is different from kuya allen..
this on is more mature..he's pure filo mommaz boi!!
This one has his own ways..*LoL*
he's a selfish guy!! *LoL* he'll only buy me things
when it's important... *grr* umm..he likes to kick it with
his friends and shit..like go clubibng..go out..but..he'll
always find time to spend with me..like go to the
beach..go shopping..play b-ball at uni..play tennis..
or just sit outside mah house talkingg about lots of things..
so yeah..i love him alot hey!! in my oppinion..
i feel sorry for whoever his GF is gonna be..
GOOD LUCK MATE!!!..*LoL* i never ever want to
dissapoint this one..he's got one bad ass attitude..
i woudnt want to mess with this one..he is scary when
he is angry!!!!! *huggs*
..Kuya Allen..
Well here we go..this is the other most loved brother
of mine..this is allen..thass right!!..he is like..umm
23 or 24...years of age..and still acts like a
16 year old..*hehehe* he will always love me no matter what hey...he loves me more than his GF!!
ahahhahahaa how cute is that!! *LoL* he'll alwyas
spend time with me..even if he's wid friends..if he's aroudn..i'll never get bored...he'll buy me whatever i want..he's fun to be with!! he'll never get angry at me..well..i guess he does..but HARDLY!!!..
and when hes mad..he is ALSO scary!!..
arggghhhh..hhehehee..i cant wait till i turn 18..
cuz..i know he'll take me out clubbin..
not kuya deo..cuz i doubt he'll even let me out late at
night mate!!..ehehehe..
i love you kuya alleennnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well there you go..a brief intro of my family..*gigglez* well they are my
greates possesion so yeah..anywaiz...check out the rest of mah site aightz..
have fun..and dont forget to sign my guestbook!! *huggz*