Welcome to my Endlers Livebearer site. I breed these fish here in Florida for my own enjoyment. Their amazing colors and wild-type patterns rival that of the fanciest guppy! I have made this site to share some of my experiences regarding this beautiful little fish as well as to display photos of my own fish. Most of the photographs show past fish I have owned but I will add pictures of my new fish in time.
In 2002 my collection of 1200 endlers suffered a mystery disease. The fish developed something similar in appearance to ick and became thin, colorless and emaciated. I never found out what killed them (it was not ick!). Other fanciers and breeders have noted a similar disease but no cure has been determined. Now in 2004, I am slowly acquiring these beautiful fish again and plan to offer a few for sale when I have a few extra.
Please feel free to e-mail me regarding fish availability or if you have questions about these fish.
Thanks for stopping by!
~Jennifer (e-mail)
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