You look up at the sign, unsure whether you should be infuriated or confused. Clearly whomever made it had no intention of being at all helpful - just clever. You heave a sigh. "Where is here?" you mutter aloud. You turn around, and are startled to find what appears to be a young woman. But her hair is silver..."CLEARLY, you're at a castle," a sarcastic female voice says behind you. You whirl around and are shocked to find a woman with silver hair and midnight blue eyes.
 "Who are you?" you ask cautiously.
 "Call me Ty," she says. You notice that, unlike most of the other women milling around, she isn't wearing a dress. Instead, she's wearing riding breeches, a man's tunic, and has her hair pulled back. Next to her is a gorgeous Andalusian, tossing its waved hair impatiently.
"I see this is a castle, but who lives here?"
 "This part of the castle was constructed for the sole purpose of housing the pets and animals of the Queen, the princesses, and other castle-dwelling folk. The actual castle where they live and entertain is a little north of here. But that one is heavily guarded for obvious reasons."
 "Are visitors free to browse?"
 "The woman in charge of this castle is called Chassa. She's the one that keeps track of all the animals and their caretakers. Go bother her. It seems that travelers like yourself are wanting a more informative sign." She mounts the horse, steadying the creature. "If that will be all, safe travels." And with that, she rides off. As you approach the stone structure, you see that there are signs dividing the animals up into categories if you wish to browse them on your own.