"Universal Life Energy"
Japanese "kanji" letters representing re, which means "eternal" or "universal", and ki, which means "life energy"
Reiki is one of several theraputic touch/laying on of hands systems of healing the human body that are currently popular. Other systems include TT and KKTT (details).

Reiki is the perfect compliment to all other health care. It is safe to use in all states of illness and injury. Reiki does not adversely interact with any medication or treatment regimen. It can be used on persons of any age, and can even be used on animals! The universal quality of reiki energy allows it to go to those areas of the body where it is most needed without any conscious direction of the practitioner. If not needed, it will simply flow out of the client and return to the universe.

Currently, a small yet growing number of hospitals and specialty clinics are offering reiki treatment as an adjunct to standard medical care. Here in Sioux City, our cancer center and Mercy hospital are both seeing the beneficial results of reiki. To read more about reiki in hospitals, click
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