Potential complications of this procedure may include:
Bleeding, skin discoloration (hypo and hyper-pigmentation),  infection (viral and bacterial), scarring, allergic reactions (immediate and delayed types), granulomas (painful lumps immediately under the skin),  migration of pigment away from the treated areas, fading of ink over time,  swelling and inflammation, pain (immediate and persistent), ink rejection, eye injury including corneal abrasions.
Medical problems as well as certain medications,  including Sarcoid, keloid formation, Diabetes, bleeding disorders, use of  blood thinners, Lupus and Autoimmune disorders may increase risk of complications from cosmetic tatooing.
No guarantees or assurances will be given regarding this proceedure.
Numerous treatments may be necessary to obtain the  desired result.You will be expected to contact your technician as soon as possible with any potential problems so that they can be dealt with in a timely fashion.
Perfection is not a realistic expectation.
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