Famous Five

Chapter 3

written by Ming



"What should be happening on your island?" asked Aunt Fanny in surprise. "It's perfectly okay!"

"As if!" George snapped, annoyed that her mother was taking things lightly. "We heard two men say, now what was it?"

" 'Yes, we have everything we need on Kirrin Island, its all set for Monday night'," Anne continued.

"Oh, probably it's just some trippers wanting to camp on Kirrin Island for a few days," said Uncle Quentin, impatiently.

"I don't allow trippers on my island," said George, angrily.

"Enough!" snapped her father. "You've got to learn to let people visit that island of yours."

George said no more. No one continued the talk but went on eating. After the meal the four cousins and Timmy went to the boys' room. It had a good view on Kirrin Island and somehow the sight of the island angered George.

"It's such a lovely peaceful place," said Dick.

"Huh, peaceful!" scorned George. "Goodness knows what those men are planning to do. Well, they'd better watch out."

"Now don't you plan anything new or dangerous," warned Julian at once. "You know what a lot of trouble you had put us in before through going out at night to the island."

George sulked and suddenly went out of the room. "Well, that's got her angry," said Anne. "Hope she doesn't behave like that in front of Uncle Quentin. Good night." Anne left the room.

"I only hope George doesn't do something unusual," said Dick, worried.

Julian snorted. "Huh, of course she's planning something unusual! Kirrin Island is part of her DNA and I bet she will do something soon!"

Julian was absolute right. At that very moment George was even on her way to the island, rowing strongly. Timmy was with her. George felt angry and mutinous and the strong pulls at the oars could show her temper. "Of the others don't want to help me, they can jolly well stay out of this!" she thought.

Back at Kirrin Cottage everything was peaceful. Anne didn't even know George wasn't in the room. She tossed and turned in her sleep, as the night was very hot. Suddenly the wind began to blow strongly and it whistled through the trees. All of a sudden lightning flashed and tore the sky in half. Anne woke up with a jump. She went to the window and she shivered. She was not afraid of storms but this one frightened her. For the sky was filled with angry clouds which were torn apart instantly by the lightning. The thunder was as loud as big drums. Anne called softly.

"George, are you awake?"

No answer. "George?" she asked again. Still no answer. This time Anne came to the bed and found it empty. "George!" she shouted and her shout awakened the boys, who came running into the room.

"What happened?" they asked breathlessly.

"It's George," Anne replied. "She's gone. Where could she be?"

"I think I know," said Dick slowly. "Kirrin Island. That's where she's gone! I'm sure of it."

"Yes, you're right," said Julian. "But that awful storm. It's now ten o'clock, and we went to bed at half past nine. It'll take George at least three-quarters of an hour to reach the island. That means she's caught in the storm!"

"Gosh!" said Anne, sitting down suddenly. Her legs could not hold her any longer. Dick sat down as well. "I can't help feeling it's our fault," he said bitterly. "She's sure to be harmed in the storm. We knew she would go sooner or later. We should have kept a strict eye on her. Oh Ju, it'll be all our fault if she's come to any harm!"


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