- Additions to the Maxwell Books section in Dumb Humor, with much thanks to Megrim Mage!

- Added to the Ask Maxwell
- New image in the Manga Gallary
- Second page of Ask Maxwell started
- Updated the Months section with an announcment explaining my computer problems

- put new link to Noctornal Revelations site
- Updated What's to Celebrate This Month section
- Dumb Humor section up and working with one part up in it.
- Second page of the Manga Images up
Had more trouble with PageBulider...otherwise, I would have updated earlier. I corrected some of the spelling errors I discovered while going through the page to make sure the links all worked. Also, I added more pictures to the Manga images...though I'm not sure if the one with Maxwell screaming "AAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDEEEEEERRRRRRRRRSSSSSOOOOONNN
NNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!" with only the lower half of his gaping mouth shown can be considered a picture...who cares~? ;p
After weeks of fighting with Page Builder, I've finally moved the site successfully to it's new address! YAY! All sections except Dumb Humor are up! Some sections have been spruced up a bit and the nice huge image of Andersong has been added to the main page. ;p
--Finished Basic Layout

-- Images, Personal Info, Manga VS Anime, Relationships and Links sections up and running