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Gstöttenau, Oberösterreich
Gstöttenau is a village of Pupping, nearby the big town of Eferding.  This small locale is known for its luxurious manor.  In fact, maps from the 1800s show Gstöttenau as being only a house and not even a village.  This is the case with neighbouring Brandstatt, Waschpoint, and other "villages."  Gstöttenau reportedly issued a series of Notgeld, but that was back in 1925 and none has been seen since, nor has anyone claimed to know anything about this village's collector issue.  The notes featured here were purchased at a flea market but may well be bogus.  This questionable issue consists of 40, 60, 75, and 90 Heller notes, which bear "III. Auflage" notation on it.  The paper is heavy stock card.
Gstöttenau manor today, as dramatised in the engraving from the mid-1790s, below. Somewhere, the manor lost its towers, but could it be that the artist added them for effect?
GWS, 5/03