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News & Noteworthy © --- Spotlight Issue 7-23-07
The meaning of "100,000 missing" or "proactive and prevention" as interpreted by John Walsh, lawmakers and those who follow that train of thought!

7-23-2007 Global: Make Sure Predators Near Your Kids Don’t Slip Through the Cracks
.[[[snip]]] "You’ve heard me quote this terrifying statistic before: there are some 100,000 predators roaming under the radar in our country, criminals who are supposed to be registered, but aren’t. And all too often, it’s tough to keep track of the ones who are registered. The Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act is aimed at dealing with both of these problems, ..."

"I recently heard the story of a mother in Florida whose four-year-old son told her that a man had asked him to come home with him to play baseball. She used Family Watchdog to search the area near where her son was approached, and found the picture of a convicted predator living nearby. The man was later positively identified by four individuals, arrested, and charged with Luring and Enticing a Child. He is now in jail awaiting trial."

"This is a great example of how being proactive can really make a difference in protecting your kids." ..more.. : by America's Most Wanted John Walsh

.John Walsh of America's Most Wanted has a new message "Make Sure Predators Near Your Kids Don’t Slip Through the Cracks." Please study it and understand it.

Please take the time to read everything he has to say. I will note but skip past his comments of calling registered sex offenders (RSOs) lowlifes, animals, predators, etc.. His expressions of personal hatred, biases and prejudices often cloud the mind from rational thought.

There is no doubt in my mind that he should feel those feelings for the person that killed his son. But even today, we do not know who that was nor do we know if it was a sex offender. He expresses feelings so others will feel what he feels and follow his message whatever it may be.

But, should we follow that message?

Lets examine a few of his points.

The missing 100,000:
Do you know the truth about the "100,000 missing" as he claims? Please click and read how that number came into being and how it is exploited, and usually for personal gain!

The truth is many states exempted folks from registering for various reasons. California's "Certificates of Rehabilitation" are one perfect example. In addition, some judges are permitted -by law- to exempt many types of cases from registering based on the circumstances of that case; many juveniles fall into this group and rightfully so. And I'm sure there are more reasons to numerous to mention.

However, John Walsh and his following never mention this. They want folks to believe there are 100,000 flying under the radar as they say. They also claim they are out there committing crime after crime. This is a misstatement of fact they want you to believe, so you will follow them and their messages.

Now, a subtle fact, the Adam Walsh Act is "retroactive" -in part- as a cover-up to prevent revealing the truth about the "missing 100,000." Retroactivity will force more, many previously exempted, to register, hence, registries will increase and well over the 100,000 alleged to be missing. At some point in the future they will spout this message, "We found them," mark my words!

John Walsh's Article:
If you read his article, especially the title, you can come to only one conclusion, his focus is on registering sex offenders and nothing else, excepting his personal hatred, biases and prejudices! The answer and message is, by keeping track of previously convicted sex offenders, that will solve the issue of further sex offenses. That message closes one's eyes to over 90% of new sex offenses!

While the public is hearing these messages the Department of Justice (DOJ) generated statistics from past crimes. One of those, Victim / Offender Relationships, shows that over 93% of sex offenses are committed by someone in the family or a close daily acquaintance of the victim. Wait a minute, I thought RSOs were the problem?

Now, the truth about recidivism which Walsh ignores, the DOJ generated a study from past offenders (9,691 of them from 15 states, 2/3rds of those released that year) which shows that 5.3% of them are rearrested within 3 years of release. Within that same study, it does say, that sex offenders released are -more likely- to commit another sex offense than non sex offenders. A tricky statement, lets see what that translates into numbers. See Chart. What, non sex offenders released commit 6 new sex offenses to every one committed by a sex offender. Yes! All, missing from John Walsh's message. Evidence doesn't matter?

Also missing from Walsh's message is any mention of the word "PREVENTION," likewise missing from lawmakers dictionaries!

John Walsh's Interpretation of Proactive:
In my book "Proactive" means: Acting before a situation becomes a source of confrontation or crisis. Lets examine the story Walsh tells us.

1) The 4 year old child was playing somewhere without parental supervision and a person asked the child to go home and play baseball with them;

2) After the 4 year old got home, the mother, scared, began looking at registry mug shots of RSOs (likened to viewing mug shots at the police station) living in the vicinity of where the child was playing, remember without parental supervision;

3) She showed registry photos to her son until he recognized someone;

4) That RSO was identified by four individuals who obviously saw the encounter with the child and did nothing at the time. It could be, that the RSO was scared off by the four individuals seeing him;

5) The RSO was arrested and charged;

6) John Walsh says this is how you define PROACTIVE? What? The RSO was identified AFTER the crisis and the registry PREVENTED NOTHING! Oh I forgot, prevention is missing from his message, likewise from lawmakers messages.

Lets continue, why stop here.

Are parents allowed to leave their children unattended, can that be a crime? Yes, its called Child Endangerment. Obviously that was overlooked in this case.

The missing evidence tells the real story, but you will not hear it from John Walsh or other politicians because to do so would dispel the myths they use to fool the public and keep them in office. The missing parent places the child in harms way, and it is not the responsibility of the government to act as a parent.

The message here is one for parents! In the Walsh case, they left their 6 year old son alone in a Sears store for a minute or two, which resulted in a horrible tragedy. The Florida mother left her 4 year old child playing without supervision and luckily, as I believe, the four persons scared the RSO away.

Parents, are you watching your children while they are on the Internet? Oh, you think the government knowing the e-mail addresses will prevent a tragedy. Think again, like the Florida woman looked up pictures on the registry, once you have the RSO's e-mail address, the meeting between the child and the RSO would be over. Such Internet identifiers are useless to PREVENT crimes and they are not PROACTIVE!

Interesting is, the Dateline show "To Catch A Predator" has caught over 250 persons and only 4 were RSOs. Next week's show they catch their 5th RSO. That amounts to 2% being RSOs, and 98% being persons who never before committed a sex offense. Strange, that was proven by the DOJ in their studies which lawmakers ignore.

Government tracking, registries, merely follows a RSO to the encounter with the child, if they are so inclined, if so, likely a miniscule number. Lawmakers have consistently ignored PREVENTION methods. Parents supervising children is both PROACTIVE and PREVENTATIVE!

eAdvocate (Copyright 2007 - All Rights Reserved)
News & Noteworthy: Articles Concerning Sex Offender Issues ©

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