The Dreadlands...

Circle of Strength necessary:   30-50
Adjacent Zones:  Burning Woods (will get loc), Frontier Mountains (will get loc), Karnor's Castle (will get loc), Firiona Vie (will get loc)
Special Features:  Wizard Portal (will get loc), Druid Rings (will get loc)


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A Drachnid Recluse.  There are lots of diffrent spiders, silkmistress's, and webmistresses, and some are casters and some are not.  I will get more pictures up on them.

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Tundra Yeti
blue to 35+
not sure if animal or not
snares easy
many hp's fast, hits medium

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blue to red at 38
not animal
snares ok, resists allot
hits hard, fast

There are Mountain Giants, Skeletons and also rare spawn the Dread Widow.  I will take some more drawings.