~*Save the Cheetahs*~
Please save these beautiful creatures before time runs out!
Cheetahs, one of the fastest land Mammels on the planet, by running at 70 or 80 miles per hour. They have tails that keep them balanced while shifting left and right, and they have dog like feet to help them in tough turane.
They live in the turane of Africa and their main food is Antelope, they always feed on the little babies because they are the easiest to catch.

Cheetah's have spots to keep from being seen in the tall grass, and Cheetah's have tear lines running down to their mouth. See Cheetah's can weep.

Cheetah cubs look like some animal to protect them, this animal is feared by all creatures and the Cheetah cub can be saved.
Cheetah's are endanger of being no more! Because of Farmers that catch them in their cages and shoot them like they weren't human or anything important. So..Please help in anyway you can!
Please go to the Cheetah Consvation Fund and see what you can do to help!
Cheetah Conservation Fund ( CCF)
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