~* Silver Star *~
~* Welcome *~
I actually Drew this....so this is MINE! Cute ne?
Okay, for all of you who hasn't realized this.. My E-MAIL changed... so here it is.. now it's gonna take awhile to change them all.. so yea..

Erica: Light Blue
Kitty: Dark Blue
Cheekomon: Orange
Lirumon: Red
                                Febuary 21, 2003

Hey there... Erica ( Jeanine) here.... I know it's been awhile... and I decided that I don't feel like updating anymore... just for now.. k? Nothing to big... I just have a LOT that is going on... and hey.... I'll post a pic every so often to let you guys know that I'm still alive... Now the thing that's been keeping me away FOREVER is... heh... work... and College... X_X Well... I'm not in college yet... I'm trying.. * Crosses fingers* ( Art Institute) and everything is happening... so yea... :P I've also been sick for about a week... still am and hey.... I'm going to work in a few minutes... Man wish I was Erica's age and back at being 11.. * Sigh* Well... Gotta go... Luv ya lots... and yes... that is MY picture in the front... Pretty, ne?
This site was founded on June 26, 2000
~* Fan Stuff *~
Fan Art
Fan Fiction
Digimon FDD
DD Crushes
The Digi- Page
~* Erica's Stuff *~
About Erica
About Cheekomon
Our Story
Crest, Tag, and Digi-Mental
The Webmisstress ( ME!)
Cheekomon Crushes
02 Best Partners SoundTrack
My Art, Fics, and Comics
Save the Cheetahs
The Next Generation: Tamers 03
~* Kitty's Stuff *~
About Kitty
About Lirumon
The Webmistress ( ME!)
Crest, Tag, and Digi-Mental
Pictures of Us
Lirumon's Crushes
Butterfly: season 01 soundtrack
02 Best Partners SoundTrack
My Art, Fics, and Comics
The Next Generation: Tamers 03
~* Our Stuff *~
Digimon 02: The Next Step ( DNA Digi-volving)
~* Bai Bai *~
Made by Sakura! Thanks!
Note: I had to get a new guestbook... DreamBooks are always messing up ever so often... I'm tired... so.. here's a new one for your enjoyment...
Now just to say and to be safe! Digimon is not ours and never will be ours...We're only doing this because We like Digimon and want everyone to enjoy it as much as us! The only thing that is ours in this place is our Digimon and Characters. So, if you guys even try to sue us you'll just be wasting your time and money!
Have Fun!