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The Vancouver Stewards Survival Committee is seeking `Stewards land partners' who can provide us with access to rural land for use during the current world crisis and thereafter.  This land-access may take the form of a charitable or semi-charitable lease, a Stewards land trust, or transfer of title.  There is also a possibility of charitable society tax credits being available for up to 40% of the value of the land-rights provided.

 The land will be used as a center for training and development of selected working and non-working poor people as Stewards able to directly combine their labour and knowledge to work together to meet one another's needs and to care for the Earth.   The land will also serve as a coordination center for cooperative organization of other poor people in our area.

 Securing a `land base' has become a priority for us due to the advent of the currently developing multi-sided world crisis (economic crisis, ecological crisis, year2000bug crisis).  Poor people, who lack the accumulated wealth of the upper classes, require cooperative and political *self-organization*, and land access, if we are to effectively cope with the crisis through becoming Stewards.

Our group's members and advisors include people with: academic theoretical ecology training; extensive organic agriculture and land-improvement experience; information technology skills; social and political organizing knowledge; and human potential movement skills applicable to education and personal development of Stewards.

Please email us if you would like to explore possibilities for becoming a `Stewards land partner'.
Cordially, the Vancouver Stewards Survival Committee.

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