Stormravens Castle


Welcome to Stormraven’s Castle.

Stormraven’s Castle is the imprint I use for my personal works.  The Stormraven’s Castle imprint can be found on my fan fiction, RPG articles, supplements, designs and games. 

Clicking on any of the following categories will show you my works within that category.  Note, not all links work currently, but all will be updated as time permits.


Fan Fiction

RPG Designs

RPG Articles

RPG Supplements

My Games, and systems

            Amber: Axioms

            Stargate: Alpha (West End Games d6 system)

            Portraits of the Past (Amber PBEM that I’m playing in.)

            The world of Mar-Talen  (Fantasy world of my design, played in the Omni System)

            MODE (Modular, Open-Ended Design Engine) - My own RPG rules.

            My Amber Ruleset


            OMNI—From Morrigan Press

            Weapons of the Gods