

Portraits of the Past

Trump Description:  The card shows a young man of medium height, dressed formally.  He wears a shirt of silver silk beneath a jerkin of black horsehide, closed with silver buttons.  Instead of trousers, he wears a kilt of high-quality wool, patterned in a plaid of black and grey against a deep blue background, with silver and gold threads adding accents to the design.  His boots are black leather, polished to a mirror shine, and reaching nearly to his knees.  His raven-black hair, caught in a single, wrist-thick braid, drapes over his left shoulder, falling to his waist.  He wears a shapeless hat of black wool felt, tipped forward to shade his eyes.  In his left hand is a heavy black bow staff, easily a foot taller than he is, unstrung.  His grey eyes seem to follow the viewer with a quietly intense gaze.


Background and History






Question & Answer

(Lachlan’s answers to some of the Questions in the ADRPG book)

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