1998 |
Program highlights: The children have received school supplies and uniforms and are enjoying their classes. A fence has been built around the school for added security. Sanitation has been improved in the area. Plan has also constructed a multi-purpose center and has outfitted a clinic to better benefit the community. Highlights- Merly's letters: "A pleasant day to all of you there in your place! We are also fine and in best of health with the blessing of our dear Almighty...on behalf of Aimie I like to extend our thanks for the things you send to she likes it very much! Whatever you send to us thru Plan International is greatly appreciated by all of us..." "Hi! Hello again and I am very happy to hear you are fine. my family are not good because chicken fox perch me, Cardo, Aimie and Angie has a fever only...Aimie celebrate her birthday with a chicken fox fever..." |
Drawing from Aimie-- "She wants to show you her characteristic in drawing" |