With his brother Guri
and lots of love to you and your family from your sponsored child Laho and the family members.
Laho and family members are very happy having received the lovely letter, photos, game copy four, inflatable ball, and puzzle you had sent.  They have thanked you for sending these gifts.  These days it is very much cold here in Laho's ara.  Laho is a good boy.  He attends school regularly.  Hoping for the continuation of your love... goodbye for now.
Thank you

My younger brother Laho and we are all fine over here.  We hope that you are also fine over there. 
My younger brother Laho and we all became very happy to receive the pencils, photo view master, photos and stunt kite that you sent to him.  We would like to thank you a lot for that.  Now, Laho is studying in class two.  Laho will be able to write the letter to you himself in the next time.  The photo you sent was very nice.  We liked the photo of camp very much.  We hope that you have seen our photograph.  The picture is not good in this camera.  Hoping to continue the correspondance between you and us, we would like to thank you a lot and say goodbye for now.
Thank you