My Family
My sister Shannon resides in Chicago, IL.
I have been blessed with a truly wonderful family.  My parents, L.D. and Mary Elarton reside in Lamar, CO where I lived for the first 17 years of my life before I attended the United States Air Force Academy and began my career in the Air Force.  My parents work for the Lamar Re-2 School District.  I have two older brothers, Ryan and Scott Elarton.  Ryan and his family reside in Lamar, CO where he works as a high school mathematics teacher.  He is married to Diane (Foster) of Salida, CO and they have two children, Damon (age 3), and Morgan (age 5 months).  My brother Scott resides in Denver, CO along with his wife Laurie (Reystead) and their son, Kennan (age 1 month).  Scott is currently one of four starting pitchers for the Colorado Rockies.
My niece Morgan Paige Elarton.
My nephew Eldon Damon Elarton.
My nephew Kenan Reid Elarton
Curriculum Vitae
Web Page Building
Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia
SPSS Project