Geometric Generalization of the Structure of Nature


A theory of everything and a mathematical formulation of a philosophy


Geometric Generalization of the Structure of Nature is revised and extended.
Now, it is presented on its new website:




Site Map - Table of Contents

1. Introduction – Quick Overview    ← Start Here

Chapter 2: Methodology and Philosophy

Chapter 3: Hypothesis

Chapter 4: The Basis of Physical Reality

Chapter 5: Formation of Mass and Energy

Chapter 6: Distance - Time – Relativity

Chapter 7: Fundamental Forces and Gravity

Chapter 8: Quantum Mechanics

Chapter 9: Final Generalization

Chapter 10: Formation Principles of Elementary Particles

Chapter 11: Universal (Natural) Unit System

2. Philosophy and Methodology

2.1. Philosophy

2.2. Methodology

3. Hypothesis

3.1. Hypothesis

3.1.1. Notes on Hypothesis

4. The Basis of Physical Reality

4.1. Coordinate System

4.2. The Geometry of Physical Reality

4.3. The Cause

5. Formation of Mass and Energy

5.1. Analogy of a Growing Tree

5.2. The Universal Strain on the Expansion – The Wrinkling Epoch

5.2.1. The inflationary epoch

5.2.2. The wrinkling epoch

5.2.3. Permanency of the expansion

5.2.4. The Universal strain on the expansion

5.2.5. Wrinkle formations on the expanding space

5.3. Mass and Energy

5.3.1. Energy

5.3.2. Mass

5.3.3. Vortexes (leptons)

5.3.4. Knots (hadrons)

5.3.5. Formulation of mass

5.3.6. The cause of the universal strain on the expansion

5.3.7. Kinetic energy

5.3.8. The first tick of the clock

5.3.9. Perfect balance in Nature

5.3.10. Particles or strain packages?

5.4. Observable Predictions

5.4.1. The ratio of Hubble’s expansion to the expansion (the flux)

5.4.2. Quantity of total matter content in the universe

6. Distance - Time - Relativity

6.1. Distance

6.1.1. Distance in Euclidean space

6.1.2. Distance in elliptical (spherical) space

6.1.3. Spatial distance in physical reality

6.1.4. Definitions

6.1.5. Formulation of spatial distance (Distancespatial, Dspatial)

6.2. Time as a Dimension in Space-Time Geometry

6.2.1. Time as a dimension

6.2.2. Formation of time dimension

6.2.3. Distinction of the time dimension

6.2.4. Flow of time

6.2.5. Distance towards time dimension

6.2.6. Time dimension in the wrinkling epoch

6.2.7. Distance towards time dimension in the wrinkling epoch

6.2.8. Formulation of distance towards time dimension (Dtd)

6.2.9. Notes

6.3. Time as the Quantity of Clock-Ticks

6.3.1. Clock-ticks in physical reality

6.3.2. Formulation of time as clock-ticks

6.3.3. Notes

6.4. Space-Time Interval

6.4.1. Minkowski’s space-time interval (S)

6.4.2. Distance in space-time (D4d)

6.4.3. Notes

6.5. Simultaneity

6.5.1. Definition: Simultaneity (simple version)

6.5.2. The Estring length

6.5.3. Definition: Simultaneity (Estring length is constant)

6.6. Relativity

6.6.1. Definitions of distance, time and mass

6.6.2. Graph of definitions

6.6.3. Formation of relativity

6.6.4. Time dilation

6.6.5. N.D. Mermin’s light clock experiment

6.6.6. Derivation of the Lorentz gamma factor (basics)

6.6.7. Derivation of the Lorentz gamma factor (simple version)

6.6.8. Derivation of the Lorentz gamma factor (full version including the time dimension)

7. Fundamental Forces and Gravity

7.1. Analogy of an Inflating Balloon

7.2. Electromagnetic Field

7.2.1. The balloon example

7.2.2. Local strains in the wrinkling epoch

7.2.3. Diffusing flow of strains

7.2.4. Electromagnetic field

7.3. Electromagnetism

7.3.1. Reminder on the concept of energy in general

7.3.2. Electric potential energy

7.3.3. Dependency of electric potential energy on distance between charges

7.3.4. Dependency of electric potential energy on the ratio of the universal strain on the expansion

7.3.5. Strains propagate with a constant speed

7.3.6. Electromagnetic radiation

7.3.7. Electromagnetic interaction

7.3.8. Crests and troughs of strain packages

7.3.9. Equivalence between electric potential and kinetic energy

7.3.10. Philosophical consequences

7.4. Fine Structure Constant (Alpha) (Electromagnetic Coupling Constant)

7.4.1. The universal strain on the expansion and spatial wrinkles

7.4.2. Spatial wrinkles

7.4.3. The formation density of spatial wrinkles

7.5. The Strong Force

7.5.1. First, electrons (leptons)

7.5.2. A few comments on the formation principles of elementary particles

7.5.3. The strong force

7.5.4. The universal strain on the expansion and the strong force

7.6. Mechanism of Gravity at the Smallest Scale

7.6.1. The equilibrium

7.6.2. Unbalancing the equilibrium

7.6.3. The mechanism of gravity

7.6.4. Observability of the electromagnetic origin of the mechanism of gravity

7.7. Gravity

7.7.1. Balloon example revisited

7.7.2. Regional compression of the expansion (the flux)

7.7.3. Gravity

7.7.4. Metric contraction

7.7.5. General Relativity on expanding geometry

7.7.6. Formulation principles of gravitational effects

7.7.7. Behavior of matter and energy in gravitational fields

7.8. Gravitational Constant

7.9. Singularities and Black Holes

7.9.1. Singularities and black holes

7.9.2. Limits of mathematical language and consistency in reality

7.9.3. The inflationary epoch is a singularity

7.10. Equivalence Principle: Gravitational and Inertial Mass

7.11. The Sum Is Larger than Its Parts and Energy Is Conserved

7.11.1. Dark matter mystery

7.12. The Perfect Universal Balance in Nature

7.12.1. The balance

7.12.2. Hubble’s constant

7.12.3. Adjusting the perfect balance

8. Quantum Mechanics

8.1. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

8.2. Existence and Nothingness Conflict in Physical Reality

8.3. From Wave Particle Duality to Strain Mechanics

8.3.1. Particles

8.3.2. Waves

8.3.3. The duality

8.3.4. Strains as quantum of matter and energy

8.3.5. The difference between strains and waves

8.3.6. Strain mechanics

8.4. Expanding Locations and the Collapse of the Wave Function

8.4.1. Expansion of locations

8.4.2. The collapse of the wave function

8.4.3. Local expansion: The light cone

8.5. Determinism and Free-will

9. Final Generalization

9.1. Philosophy of Reality

9.1.1. Layers of physical reality

9.1.2. Why is there something instead of nothing?

9.2. Basic Principles of the Structure of Nature

9.2.1. The expansion and the universal strain on the expansion

9.2.2. Energy and mass

9.2.3. Physical existence and strain mechanics

9.2.4. Final generalization of laws of Nature

9.2.5. Distance and time in physical reality

9.2.6. Fundamental interactions

9.3. The Exact Meaning of Relativity - Connecting Gravity with Quantum Mechanics

9.3.1. The postulate of relativity

9.3.2. Relativity in wholeness of physical reality

9.3.3. Derivation of relativistic transformations on absolute space

9.3.4. Absoluteness on spherical geometry

9.3.5. Matter in the wholeness of physical reality

9.3.6. Opposition between acceleration and deceleration

9.3.7. Motion in Hubble’s space

9.3.8. The exact meaning of relativity

9.3.9. Connecting gravity with quantum mechanics

9.4. The Universe at Large Scale

9.4.1. Properties of the universe at the large scale

9.4.2. Hubble’s constant and quantity of total matter content in the universe

10. Formation Principles of Elementary Particles

10.1. Basic Classification of Elementary Particles

10.1.1. Knots (hadrons)

10.1.2. Spatial wrinkles (bosons)

10.1.3. Vortexes (leptons)

10.2. Geometric Deformations: Curvature and Torsion

10.3. Quantization

10.4. Dependency on the Ratio of the Universal Strain on the Expansion

10.5. Mass (Energy Content) of Elementary Particles

10.6. Spatial Direction of Geometric Deformation

10.7. Hyperdirection of the Deformation and Spin Phenomenon

10.8. Pauli Exclusion Principle

10.9. Electric Charge

10.10. Stability of the Elementary Particle

11. The Universal (Natural) Unit System

11.1. Deducing the Values of Speed of Light (c) and Planck’s Constant (h)

11.2. Principles of the Universal (Natural) Unit System

11.3. Unit Definitions

11.3.1. Distance

11.3.2. Time (as the quantity of clock-ticks)

11.3.3. Energy

11.3.4. Mass

11.3.5. Electric charge

11.3.6. Table of base units

11.3.7. Notes on other units

11.3.8. Derived units

11.3.9. Prefix and suffix examples

12. Self-Organization, Consciousness, and Future of the Universe


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