Fifth Stop: New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Cinquième Arrêt: Nouveau Orleans, Louisiane, Etats-Unis d'Amerique

OK, so I have to admit, I LOVE NEW ORLEANS!! I mean it has got to be like one of the coolest cities here in the Unites States. There is no other city which displays and promotes a culture so unlike the rest of the country. It truly is a way to travel abroad without even leaving our borders. The people are nice, the food is fab, the clubs and bars are HOT HOT HOT!! There is never a shortage of anything to do when visiting this wild city. Laissez les bon temps roulez!! (sorry I HAD to!!) :-)

I have been to New Orleans so many times that I have got lots and lots of pictures of the city and surrounding region. So what I will do is try to pick the best pics from whatever it is that I have done. Enjoy!

Here is a postcard pic of New Orleans. Quite pretty. This is looking to the west of the city.

I love how the Tower Control at the (now named) Louis Armstrong International Airport looks as if it is in some tropical location. This is in the city of Kenner.

Another picture of the New Orleans skyline. This one is looking from the south into the city from across the River.

On my first trip to the Bayou Country of Louisiana, this is the view outside the car window. Mind you, the month was early March, therefore plants had not resumed growing yet. Looks like barren lands in Canada or something.

This is a picture of a path in Laura Plantation, located on River Road, Vacherie, Louisiana. I think these are the refurbished slave quarters or something, I cannot really remember. It was kinda spooky.

This was a great picture, an inspiring foto of the Mississippi River at sunset. Remembering stories of Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn became the thing to do when we saw this sight. This is taken from on top of the levee in Vacherie.
The sunset is always pretty before a wild day...and boy was the next day wild as ever!!

Me and some friends on top of the Harrah's Casino Parking Deck in New Orleans. This was during Mardi Gras 2000!!

Formally introduced, here is what I call the new "Mod Squad", in order of left to right, Jeremie, Brandon, Allyson (you know you're fab!), and Ross. Of course, I am the Ring Leader so I am the one taking the photo. The mission that day: to find out where all the beautiful people are and who gets drunk first!

Ohhh! This picture is so cute!! Here are Allyson and Brandon professing their undying love for each other (yeah, as much Ross would start dating a girl!! luv ya Ross!!). Ok this is a picture in front of the Cathedral in Jackson Square. Notice how warm it is in March here?!?

OHHH!! SNAKEMAN!! I don't know, but this is not my idea of having fun during Mardi Gras. I don't know what kind of fun this man has with the snake and it should stay just like that.

Here is a really kewl club and pub (that rhymed!!) in New Orleans...The Bourbon Pub/Parade. Unless you are in the know, then you know how kewl this place is. FULL of beautiful people, HOT music, STRONG rarely gets any better. During Mardi Gras this place is so packed....wall to wall people. The only way one moved sliding along people's bodies since everyone was sweating like no tomorrow.

Later on that night we went to the Krewe of Bacchus held on St. Charles. This is like one of the poshest locales in NOLA and one of my faves. There is a guy who some may know from TV that I know from school (GT). His name is Matt. He is a kewl guy. Since I am not in school this year I haven't hung out or anything with him anymore. In any case he lived in a VERY famous house in New Orleans in 2000 and here is a picture of me, my friends, and Matt.

This was the night to remember!! DECADENCE EVERYWHERE!!! WOOHOO!!! OK so now I must tell you my fab peeps and I all had VIP passes to these clubs all along Bourbon. Clubbing, clubbing, and non-stop clubbing!! Sheesh!! It makes me breathless now to recall that night. Here is a foto of Brandon and I before the wild times.

Remember that Mardi Gras was originally about getting dressed up in costume and doing whatever the hell one felt like doing. This girl has got it going on!! :) YOU GO GIRL!!!! She was so fab. And I was SO sloshed!

Now have we learned our lesson kiddiez?! This is what happens when you club until 0830 in the morning!!! We were so out of it and so tired (THANK GOD for Ross' father living in Harahan!) that I think Allyson, Brandon, and I woke up at 1300, Ross woke up at 1100 so that he could see his fam in Vacherie, and little precious 17yo Jeremie (at the time!!) didn't get out of bed until 1800!!!Oh, the amount of energy it takes to be fierce.

Random picture of the tram on Canal in the CBD (Central Business District) of New Orleans. Notice all the fly guts on the windshield.

This picture has got to be among the creme-de-la-creme.:) This was taken at the Gumbo Shop on St. Peters St in the French Quarter. Some drunk NYC chick took the picture for us and did a great job. Everyone here is so "modelicious"! You know how it goes...saving the best for last. Here was the evil Mod Squad heralding and closing Mardi Gras 2000 with ABSOLUTE FABULOCITY!! I LUV Y'ALL!