The Scaffold were a mixture of 'pop', poetry and comedy, although they also had a serious side which was never reflected in their singles. Mike McGear was the brother of Paul McCartney and he attempted to keep his real name concealed for many years although eventually it was to become an open secret. Roger McGough was the poet and has since become renowned for his work as one of the 'Liverpool poets', today still preserving his stage presence with readings of his own work and that of others.
They managed to reach the chart several times at the end of the sixties before evolving into the less successful 'Grimms' which also included in its number Neil Innes and Zoot Money. However, Scaffold were to have one further major hit in 1974 with 'Liverpool Lou'.
The Scaffold were one of the most interesting things in British pop - the combination of Mike McGear (Paul McCartney's brother) Scouse beat poet Roger McGough, and enterpreneur John Gorman.
They fused satirical sketches with music hall bawdiness and novelty pop with surrealism.
Songs like 'Thank U Very Much' as well as their other hits like 'Lily The Pink' make sense only when appreciated as part of the absurdist revue that the band purveyed.
©1998 Jordi and Amparo. ©2000 Jordi, Amparo and Jordi Jr. ©2002 Jordi, Amparo, Jordi Jr and Marian.