In this section, we will give you some news about this website. With regard to the news of our town, we are sorry but it's impossible for the moment to update it. In fact, the main version in this web is the one is written in catalan, the language we speak in our town. I beg your pardon. Maybe you won't understand it but the link is the next one: "novetats" There you would find some little clues of what is happening here: the weather, some parties, some social events (births, marriages,...). Anyway, you can send us an e-mail so we can answer all your questions about whatever you want ( Moreover you can try our "forum" where you are free of write whatever you want.
"The world is in the hands of the people who are so brave as to dream and to risk to live their dreams." Paulo Coelho
First snows of the year. Some people weren't home meanwhile the snow was falling, but at last, after spend a whole day out here, everybody arrived home to share Christmas Day with their families. Here you can see some pictures of the town just some minutes ago. I hope you'll enjoy them:
ˇˇ MERRY CHRISTMAS, and I wish you an amazing YEAR 2007 plenty of adventures and illusion !!
You can visit our new section of pictures of birds and other animals, plants and flowers, mushrooms and so. All of them are made last month here in this land. I hope you'll enjoy it: animals, worms, plants and flowers, mushrooms, moss and lichens
If you want to visit some other website of our town or other town of the land, you will find a little map with some links that will let you to other websites. Not all the towns you'll see there have got a link but you can go there and to pass your mouse over the town you're interested and if there is a little hand that means you can click and go in. If you want to go there, the link is in the main page, or if you prefer: neighbour towns
We have included a way easier of communication between you and us. You don't need to have a mail address to contact with us. This is so easy as to click in the link "CONTACT", to write your message and it will be sent in a minute to us. This tool is in the main page of the website. Please, if you read this I would be very grateful if you send me a little message telling me who and why are you in this website. Why? you know, I'm making this section but I'm not sure if someday it will be useful to somebody. So, it would be fine to have some news about it to encourage me and, you know, maybe I would have some good reasons to improve the English version. By the way, my name is Jacint.
Today we have a very good news: Finally Portell have got an HOTEL-RESTAURANT. In fact, the inauguration was some months ago but now you can visit their website and to do reserves and so. The address is: ˇGood luck, Hotel!
This website is made with free resources. That is the reason if you see banners and publicity in it. We hope, if not remove all of them, to try to minimize them. The host is GEOCITIES ( and we were trying also another host in IESPANA, but it was too slow and there were too many problems to update ( We created another provisional access to avoid some annoying banner ( Finally, to make easier our address to remind we created another address, the one you know: This extension "tk" belongs to an island of the Pacific Ocean. I don't know exactly where this island is but I don't care, the fact is that now I can have a nice address very short and easy. But when you go to you're visiting some others websites created by us. One of them is named PORTELL VIRTUAL (, another one is the WEBSITE OF THE SCHOOL (, and another, of pictures of animals and flowers ( And, finally, every year we put also a link to the WEBSITE OF THE SUMMER FESTIVITIES ( and the website of another festivities of the county named "APLEC DELS PORTS" (