Collection of interviews and other selected snips from published articles and magazine, most being out-of-print and rare to find. The editor has taken the liberty of annotating these articles for further detail references. Note that these published articles are used without permission of the copyright owner(s), it is for educational use ONLY. Please do not copy any of these! I have NO desire to be sued because I wanted to share information in which I had research!

If you wish to assist in adding new material to this section, please contact the editor (that's ME)! Thank you.

  • From STARLOG, Issue #108 - A behind-the-scenes interview with the directors, John Musker and Ron Clements, by David Hutchison (July 1986).

  • From Chicago Sun-Times, Roger Ebert on Movies - A film review by the great Roger Ebert, nice that he and Gene Siskel gave thumbs up for GMD (02 July 1986).

  • From STARBURST, Volume 9, Number 3 - A film review from a British magazine by Richard Holiss (November 1986).

  • From Disney A-Z Archives, Online - Online article from about GMD, with links to Basil and Ratigan, too (2001).

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