Fashion is a form of ugliness Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin are designed for all Jewish women. However, the groups are likely to attract a high proportion of traditionally observant women.
As a result, some less observant or newly observant women may feel left out because of the terminology. That may be a problem, because everybody on the groups should speak the same language and understand the terms in the same way.
This is why the subscribers to our women's groups have prepared a glossary of terms. Please feel free to refer to this glossary when encountering a new term in any of the postings. Those who would like to recommend additional terms are welcome to do so and they will be added to this listing for the benefit of all of us Jewish women.
This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of terminology for Jewish women. It is meant to be a list of the words that we Jewish women encounter on the Jewish and Hebrew groups.
aliyah ashkenazim bracha challah chas ve'shlom chassidim Eretz Yisroel frum Gan Eden Gut Shabbos halacha HaShem kashrut kohen kol tuv loshon hora maariv mechitzah Midrash mikvah minhag minyan Mishnah mitzvot Modern Orthodox nefesh niddah Noachide/Ben Noach parshat pekuach poshkim psak Purim Rav Rebbe rebbetzin Schechina sephardim shabbat shalom shehechiyana shiur Tanach tefilla tshuvah (chozer b'tshuvah) tzniut Yerushalayim (of course everyone knows what Jerusalem is but this spelling is unfamiliar) Click here to subscribe to Eshet Chayil
Click here to subscribe to Tisha Kabin
Find out more about Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin
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so intolerable
that we have to alter it
every six months
- Oscar Wilde
David Grossman
OwnerMiriam Grossman
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