Our Eshet Chayil Forum has decided on some ground rules so that it can function properly. We don't want to turn Eshet Chayil into a general hodgepodge of a group. We do want to maintain Eshet Chayil for discussions that apply only to women, and for issues that we want to discuss more openly among ourselves.

The rules that are posted here can be changed by group decision.

Following are the rules of the Eshet Chayil Forum:

  1. Me-tooing and right-on-ing and other such annoying messages only fill up our email boxes. The first person will represent the group unless there's disagreement.
  2. Obviously, the tone and language of postings should be appropriate to that of a respectable forum.
  3. Basic Rules. Eshet Chayil is part of a larger set of Jewish groups and forums run by my husband Dovid. He has already set up a number of rules. They relate to the following issues, and much more:
    • Proper discussions on the Internet
    • Exclusion of certain people or groups of people (such as missionaries!)
    • Copyright laws
    • Deleting of trailers (most of the previous message) when replying to e-mails
    • When his groups are closed (major Jewish holidays including Chol Hamoed)
    Let's follow those rules unless they conflict with our own.
  4. Eshet Chayil and my husband's Jewish groups. Discussions that can be open to men should be posted in the appropriate, specific group run by my husband Dovid. Men should not be deprived of discussions that relate to them as well.
  5. Dovid's involvement. My husband Dovid will be my consultant regarding administrative issues. However, he will not take part in the discussions.

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Contrast Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin:
Read the Tisha Kabin rules

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David Grossman
Miriam Grossman

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