Forums for Jewish Women
Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin
Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin are discussion groups for traditional Jewish women. They are both moderated by a woman.

Every good group needs a set of rules and guidelines so that it will function smoothly. We have created this website for our women's groups so that everybody will know exactly what is expected.

We have two different women's groups, Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin. Each group has its own format, rules, and guidelines. In addition, there are some general guidelines for all Jewish groups in our series. There is also a glossary of terms that we use on these groups.

Many Jewish women do not feel as comfortable discussing certain issues in a mixed audience of men and women. Eshet Chayil restricts the participants to Jewish women from around the world. This new feeling of world-wide participation, yet privacy from men, allows women to gain fresh new insights on important Jewish issues.

Tisha Kabin was set up with the philosophy that all topics can be raised by Jewish women in their own group. It is predicated on the belief that any Jewish topic is handled differently within a group of women. Tisha Kabin therefore opens the floodgates of discussion to any reasonable topic of interest to Jewish women. Indeed, some of these topics may overlap those raised on the Jewish Groups series.

Thus, Eshet Chayil subscribers will relate only to issues affecting Jewish women. There will be fewer messages. Tisha Kabin subscribers will relate to any issues that the participants want to discuss.

Men are asked to refrain from joining Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin.

Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin are part of a larger series of Jewish and Hebrew groups and professional forums. You are welcome to join any of those groups at

If you have any problems subscribing, please contact the group owner at David Grossman

We hope that you will enjoy and benefit from your participation in Eshet Chayil and Tisha Kabin.

Click here to subscribe to Eshet Chayil.

Click here to subscribe to Tisha Kabin.

Find out more about Eshet Chayil.

Find out more about Tisha Kabin.

Return to the main page for Jewish and Hebrew groups

David Grossman
Miriam Grossman

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Keywords: Forums, Women