Office of the Secretary of Foreign  Affairs
of the Republic of Eslo
His Plenipotenciary Excellency
Ambassador Bernard Selfin
Eslonian Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Bernard Selfin is one of Eslo’s founding fathers.  Declared Secretary of Foreign Affairs by His Royal Highness in 1995, Bernard Selfin has never left the post. 
He was named Ambassador by the Senate and appointed to Secretary of Foreign Affairs.  At said time, he served as the head of chancellery at The Embassy of Eslo in the United States until early 1997.  His Excellency then was named Ambassador of Eslo to Pakistan, where he has currently led the way in the recruitment of 40 new citizens.  The plenipotentiary Ambassador has served as the first member of the Eslonian Foreign Service.
His responsibilities include being the King’s top advisor on international policy and executing treaties and agreements signed by Eslo and other states or organizations.  The Secretary is a prominent western diplomat that has rendered much of what is known as Eslonian Foreign Policy today.
His Excellency is fluent in English, Hindu, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and French with a knowledge of Spanish and Russian.  The Secretary obtained his bachelor’s title from the University of California in Los Angeles in International Relations.  He also holds a masters degree in Diplomacy from Cainbridge University's Shcool of Foreign Service in Great Britain.  His senior thesis is entitled “The Effect Of The Press on Governments of Southeast Asia during Suharto”. 
Eslo deposits it’s complete trust in the Secretary to develop our foreign policy in an efficient manner.  All diplomatic missions abroad are in constant contact with the Secretary via FAX.
Most recently, the Ambassador has been given the honorary title of "Knight of the King's Crown" by the Kingdom of Southern Sea.

The  Secretary of Foreign Affairs, in charge of the development of Eslonian Foreign policy, has introduced the Doctrine of Pacific Coexistance.  Also the secretary has proclaimed a unique method for the establishment of diplomatic relations with fellow ephemeral states.  This has led to the expansion of public relations for Eslo.  The Secretary has always been a strong supporter of new citizen programs.

New citizen programs have taken Eslo into offering more services to our citizens.  Each time, we are becoming more macronational in our behavior.  This way, Eslo issues passports and other identity documents to it's citizens through a well established consular policy, that is firmly tied to diplomatic liason offices and administrative rules.