My Writings Black & White is addressed to those who are choosing to consciously walk the white path. It is a warning, not an invitation. Don't take it lightly, you can not turn back. KARMA: Retribution - or an instructive discipline? A Clairvoyant View of the Human Energy System: The Aura and the Chakras
Multiple Personalities is a brief view of a clairvoyant addressing the condition of multiple personalities.
Thou Shalt Not Judge - An Exercise which will eliminate judgement.
Esoteric Readings - An etheric reading is beneficial in clearing you for further spiritual development
Psychic Horse Readings. Ever wonder what your horse is thinking? How he feels? Get a reading for your equine friend! The Pegasus, the horse's soul, and its energy system is clairvointly seen and explained.
Pages of Esoteric Ponderings The goal for this web page is to gather and publish answers to major problems, plus present ideas and concepts new to this world, perceived in meditation, dreams, illumination, or intellectual focus. The plan is to bring true Esoteric (spiritual) concepts into the field of Exoteric (scientific) endeavor. A great teacher told me that it would be science that would prove metaphysics, not spirtiuality. Probably true, if seers were going to prove the truth, they would have done it a long time ago. Let's entice scientific minds to look into ours. I have written the following papers for personal spiritual growth and wish to share them with you. If you have comments, suggestions, or questions, e-mail me, Joyce Dean at A word about our editor, Joyce Dean. She has been on an experiential path for much too long. She has been actively using her clairvoyance since 1980, and is in an on-going study of symbology, energy, and life. Sometimes reluctant; always with karma; in other words, a lot like you.
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