Chronological list of Television Anime
from 1960 to 2004

Created by Curtis H. Hoffmann (who maintained the list until 1995)
Recovered and currently maintained by Gabriel Pinzón since Sunday, May 20th 2001
[Spanish version][Versión en español]
[Italian version by "Neopolitan"][Versione in italiano per "Neopolitan"]
Last update: Sunday, April 19th 2009
[About the list][Links to anime lists][non-Japanese cartoons broadcasted in Japan from 1989 to 1995][ZIP file containing this site]
IMPORTANT: the television anime table was removed from the main page and divided into three sections:
[Series 1960-1989][Series 1990-2000][Series since 2000]

If you have comments, suggestions, corrections or data which you can help me to complete the list, please send mail to and I will thank you at the end of the list.
Last changes
Apart from the new series added
lun 13 oct 2008
Sun, Mar 9th 2008
IMPORTANT: the television anime table was removed from the main page and divided into three sections:
[Series 1960-1989][Series 1990-2000][Series since 2000]

You are visitor number Counter since sun 07 apr 2002.
[About the list][Links to anime lists][non-Japanese cartoons broadcasted in Japan from 1989 to 1995][ZIP file containing this site]
People who have helped me here: Richard LLewellyn, Carlos Mesa, "Kaicho", Michi Kozakai, Christopher Thrash, Sean Kennedy, I-Ming Chen, David B. Carroll, Jamie M. Pence, Ron Ferrara, Julián Ortega, Daniel DeLorme, Danny Wilson, Carlos Elcorobarrutía, Chuck Leon, Giuseppe Albanese, Michael Tang, "Sonya N.", "Nanami Hijiri", Ryan Scuderi, Julio A. Castellon, Mauricio Villarroel, Jesús Laguna, René Gutierrez, Johnnie Leung, Víctor Barrón, "Eiri", "Ricardo O.", "Lysandra", Javier Tamariz.
This list is being maintained by Gabriel Pinzón (