This webpage has been launched on the 2nd of July 1999. It was then known as Essackjee Ismael's page of Salman Khan and afterwards, the name was changed to the distinguishing one of Salman Khan Unlimited.

    The site is still under construction since I get emails with complaints, comments, ideas and suggestions from well-wishers from all over the globe. This immensely helps to enhance the website for a better surfing.

    The number of visitors per day is slowly increasing and unfortunately at times the site is beyond its visitors capacity (since the server is a free one with limited capacity). Visitors can then access the site later. I am really sorry for this problem and I hope the situation will remedy soon.

I will be more than glad to know your constructive suggestions. Please email me at : . Thanking you in advance.

Awards received by this site till now are as follows:



All rights reserved to Essackjee Ismael.
Salman Khan Unlimited