Ryo is a legend. A digidestined that wasn't seen by many. Seems as though he spends all his time in the digital world. He doesn't seem to get older either. Time goes differently in the digital world after all. But how different?? A month in the digital world could correspond to a few minutes in the real world. Ryo is a mysterious character and very little is known about him. He is the hero of many of the WonderSwan games in Japan. Digimon 02 episode 23, Genesis of Evil, was his anime debut. Ryo also appeared in Our War Game. He is connected to Ken somehow. For example, in the Tag Tamers (don't ask - has to do with the D-3 video game) Ken and Ryo are
friends and work together. Ryo is involved with Ken's
past. From what I know, Ryo was the first person Ken
met in the Digiworld two years before 02. They defeated
the mega digimon Milleniumon, but before Milleniumon
was defeated, he dispersed its Dark Seeds. Ken pushed
Ryo out of the path of one, and thus a dark spore was
planted in Ken's neck. Maybe the seed was originally
destined for Ryo...imagine if Ryo would of gotten it..
maybe he would of become the kaiser. Afterwards Ryo
just disappeared, no one knows where to or why. In Tag
Tamers he is said to live with a father and mother, and his
hobbies include chatting online and playing games.
According to several sources concerning Tag Tamers,
Ryo and Ken saw the battle of Omegamon vs. Diablomon
in 'Bokura no Wargame', and shortly afterwards they were
visited by a V-mon and told that their help was needed in
the Digital World. Thus begins Tag Tamers. Although he is a mystery, Ryo is still an important character. Ryo appears in episodes 23 and 43 of Digimon 02, the "Tag Tamers" game, with Ken Ichijouji, "Another Tamer" game, with Taichi, "Network Tamers" game, probably with Takato, and in "Our War Game," the second Digimon movie.

Ryo Akiyama
Finally, Ryo will reappear in season 03. This may be a spoiler for you...I'm sorry but I just had to put it. I know what's he's gonna do and say but I wont write it since I don't want to spoil your thoughts a whole lot more lol. But I will leave some screenshots :).
His Digimon
Ryo's digimon is CyberDramon. He is at level Ultimate and is a Cyborg type Digimon. His attacks are Cyber Claw and Cyber Nail. It is said that Cyberdramon's power is strong enough to warp space! His name comes from "Cyber" that is "Cybernetic" and "dra" is for "dragon".In the games, Veemon is Ryo's partner...that gets kinda confusing...oh well! It's like Willis, he has Terriermon and so does Henry! I guess it differs from seasons, from movies and from games!



BTW, i gotta thank this site for the 7 last pictures. Hope you dont mind...