The fairest and oldest of all the races of Middle-earth, the Elves are possessed of great magic and ability to create things of immense beauty, craft and enchantment - including the Rings of Power, weaponry, music language and lore. Immortal and ageless, they have lived in Middle-earth since the earliest days and were the first of the speaking peoples of the world. But now in the Third Age a great sadness has come upon them, for their time in the world is coming to an end. Elves are now rarely seen in Middle-earth, for many of their number have allready passed over the Sea of the Undying Lands, where they may continue to live for ever in bliss, away from the cares and trials of a war-torn world.

          Yet small communities of Elves still survive in the world: in Northern Mirkwood, the great green-wood; at Rivendell, their ancient refuge; and in Lothlorien, the Golden Wood which is the province of the Lady Galadriel and Celeborn. Tall and slender, keen of eye and mellifluos of speech, Elves have walked lightly upon earth. Their songs echo down the ages.
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