Welcome toRivendell
'There's magic here, right down deep, where you can't lay your hands on it'
Picture Gallery 1&8          FUN!!!
Picture Gallery 2
News and gossip
Picture Gallery 3
Contact Orli
Picture Gallery 4
The mystery
Picture Gallery 5&7
Picture Gallery 6 *
Picture Gallery 9 *
Articles and Interviews
You know you're obsessed when...
Legolas Elves
About Me
~Rivendell has stood for thousands of years as a last haven and hidden refuge protected against all evil things by the power of the Elves. It lies in deeply riven valley in eastern Eriador, in the fotthills of the towering, snow-capped Misty Mountains. There, within sunlit gardens, terraces and courtyards, nestles a cluster of elegant elven buildings, ornately carved and decorated with statues, wall-paintings and fine tapestries.~
Hi this is my website devoted to Legolas Greenleaf aka Orlando Bloom~

On this site I will include as much information about Orlando as I can find,
Hopefully I will find a lot, but you can never be sure!

A person that know how to use page builder on geocitites and is a big ORLI fan that has a lot of spare time to sit near the computer and update a website!

So if that sounds like you then
EMAIL me ! Because I don't have time to update this site anymore and I Want  to get someone to maintain this site! So if you want to do that email me!

(I don't think is necessary now because I'm making the updates... Check the new Gallery Page 9 with pics from 'The Two Towers')

Now Picture Gallery 6 is now a gallery where I will post fan art! All the pictures from that gallery have been moved to Picture Gallery 5 !Right now I only have two of my own drawings there but as soon as I get e mails from you there will be more there!And if you go to the 1st Picture Gallery and then click NEXT then you'll see that I added A LOT of new pictures!You gotta check them out! Check out the Picture Gallery 5 too! Click next there to find another Gallery!

Hey ppl! Thanks for signing the guestbook! I decided that I won't close this website! THANKS!

A lot of people tell me that Legolas lives in Mirkwood not Rivendell, and I am pretty sure that I know that, I have no idea of where on my website it says that Legolas lives in Rivendell!So I am asking you for a huge favour: Please tell me where exactly it says that!!!
You don't know how much I want to find out where it is and fix it! I can't believe I made such a huge mistake! I don't want to make anyone mad or angry! And the only reason why I named the website Rivendell is because Rivendell is so beautifull in the movie! And I will tell you the truth I only started to read the books after watching the movie! But I wanted to read them even before the movie came out and I am still not finished! So forgive me for any mistakes pleas
Sign my guestbook! PLZ!
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