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      This page is about Legolas my favoriteLOTR character as I promised - this website is not just about Orlando Bloom, its also about Legolas - the character he plays in LOTR.
So here is some information about Legolas that I could get:

       First of all I wanna tell you that to get into the role of Legolas Orli had to spent two hours each day on putting on his make up and putting on his wigs, he also wore blue contact lenses to make his eyes look more "elvish"!

       Prince Legolas - whose name in Elvish means 'Greenleaf" - is the son of King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm. He has travelled south to Elrond's Council Rivendell to act as the envoy of the Woodland Elves who inhabit the great northern forest of Mirkwood. This once-beautiful forest is even now being ovrrun by Orcs, wolves and other dark, wandering  spirits in thrall to the power of darkness as the shodow of Mordor stretches ever further across Middle-earth.

       The Elves being a long lived race, Legolas knows the Ranger,Strider, of old and is well aware of his true identity. Like many of his people, he has a distrust of Dwarves, which will result in a prickly relationship with the envoy of the Dwarves of Erebor, Gimli, son of Gloin.

Legolas brings a number of unique and beneficial skill to the Fellowship of the Ring - the brotherhood of Nine Walkers chosen byElrond to bear the Ring across Middle-earth. Elves have the preternatural ability to move more lightly across the ground than the other peoples of Middle-earth: Legolas is able to run swifly and effortlessly across the roughest terrain, barely leaving footprints even upon new-fallen snow. As a forest elf,he is a moster of woodcraft, able to scan his enviroment in order to read even the most minute traces and tracks left by the birds and beasts of the world. He can also see with greater clarity and over longer distances than the rest of the Nine Walkers, and is a superb and deadly shot with an Elvish longbow, which he pledges in Frodo Baggins' service.

Legolas also carries two Elf-knives: long white knives with filigreed blades: deadly weapons, for the Elves make the keenest of all blades in Middle-earth.