EU Gjilane Regional Office
The Department of Reconstruction - DOR
Established to play a key coordination role in the overall reconstruction  of  Kosovo,  the  Department   of  Reconstruction  is playing vital role in all areas of development One of the most important and immediate aspects of this, is the reconstruction of housing.
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Where  should   Kosovo  be  in  2003   and   what resources are needed to get there? The preliminary answer of the UNMIK EU Pillar's  Department  of Reconstruction is set out in the Brochure "Kosovo
2001-2003 : from  Reconstruction t o  Growth.  A Preliminary   Assesment   by   the  Department  of Reconstruction "  The  two  co - heads ,  Mehmet Hajrizi and Roy Dickinson, presented  their  vision on 6 Decembre  to  the  next  three  years  are : to
develop the Private Sector  so  as  to  make  it  the main engine of economic growth, to  ensure  high quality e ducation  from pre-primary school to university level, to reform the helath s ervices, to  alleviate  poverty  and  to  build  up  the  capacity  of Kosovars to govern themselves. The construction and rehabilitation of houses should also continue. The brochure is  intended to launch the discussion about Kosovo's path to growth, in Kosovo and among the donors. The official public  reconstruction and investment programme is due to be avaible in mid  Decembre  following e ndorsement  of  the  Kosovo  Budget  2001  by Interim Administrative Council (IAC) and signature of the Budget Regulation by the Special  Representative  of  the  Secretary General . The official programme, as set out in the Budget, replaces and expands upon the content  of  the  brochure, wich  is preliminary document under the sole responsibility  of  the  Co-heads  of  the  Department. " Our  purpose  in  producing  this document is to inform donors and general public in a timely way of  what  shape the  Budget  is  likely  to  take. But  only  the budget will be authoritative and will give a more comprehensive picture ", said Dickinson. The Department of  Reconstruction records bids for expediture from spending agencies of more than DM 1,700 milion for 2001, DM  670  milion  for  2001  and DM  386  milion  for  2002. The  decreasing  amounts  reflect the  expected  capacity  of  Kosovo  to  move  gradually  from reconstruction to economic development. At the beginning of Decembre, just more than 1 billion seemed likely  to  be  avaible from donors for spending in 2001.The Department of reconstruction has therefore had to negotiate with spending agencies to reduce their bids for 2001 and to put off lower priority  programmes  to  2002.  "  we believe  that  Kosovo  needs  continued inestments  just as much as ever if this poorest part of Europe is to become the prosperous, just and stable society which we all want"
KDG- KosovoDevelopment Group is also helping DOR
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