EU Gjilane Regional Office
Kosovo Development Group
PIP 2002
Municipal Public Investment Program
The Department of Reconstruction (DOR) has commenced the development of  the  Public  Investment  Program 2002-04 (PIP 2002). The PIP is the essential  link  between  the  Donors  and  the  successful  implementation  of public investment projects in the municipalities. Lessons have been learnt from last years exercise  and  significant responsibilities are being devolved to municipalities  by  central  departments. Combined  with  the  additional  time available this year for the exercise some significant changes have  bee  made  to  the  process. This year there  are two goals: to improve the municipality's capacity in strategic planning, prioritisation and  budgeting  and  to  assist them to dentify projects which support their prioities. A key aims is to have municipalities produce a small number of priority projects, each supported by quality documentation all of which will be included  in  the  PIP  for  donor connsideration. After the lessons learned from the exercise of the last year, some improvements have  been  made to the process:
- Four months for the initial stage of the process, instead of one.
- An initial period of assessment and training in the dvelopment  of  the  RSDA, involving  the  KDG  with
  Regional and Municipal staff. This training package is supported by and  is  consistent  with  the  LOGO
- The PIP 2002-04 will be based on the  PRIP  2001-03, there  will  be  some  new  projects  included  in
  support of the municipal strtegy.
- The exercise will focus on projects falling within the municipal sphere of responsibility.
- Projects involving more than one municipality or a central department will be developed separately; but
  using the same techniques and in consultation with the municipality.
- Each municipality investment plan will have a financial limit.
All these activities  wil allow you to finish the municipal part of the PIP by the end of july and, at  the  same  time, to have triained staff planning activities. This allows some time for project justification and  costing  to  be  before inclusion in the Oublic Investment Plan to be presented to donors in the 2002 Kosovo budget  in  December  2001

In order  to  make  this  process  as  productive  and  useful  as  possible, and  bearing  always  in  mind  that  the development and adoption of the RSDA strategy and the identification and prioritisation of projects is  a  municipal
resonsibility, the KDG will assist the municipalities in all the task. The KDG is fully  authorised  to  deal  with  PIP matters, and will act as a channel for questions and information with Central Departments. The team will  contact, and will ask you to designate two focal points: one Civil Affairs Officer and a Director of a Department which will be involved in the preparation of the PIP; the aim of designating these two focal points is  to  centralize t he  work and communications within the municipality, avoiding diperasion of efforts  within  the  municipality  and  making easier the channelling of questions through the KDG.
KDG will provide more detailed information about the guidelines to perform this planning activity.
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