Greetings From the Pastor

Rev. Virgil Bohn, Pastor.

"40 Days

Some many times God has used a period of forty days to prepare his people. During the time of Noah, it rained for forty days and nights. Noah, his family and all the animals were safely in the ark preparing for a new beginning for this planet. Moses was on the sacred mountain for 40 days. God was preparing him to receive the 10 Commandments so His people might live in harmony and prosperity. Elijah journeyed for forty days to the mountain God where God spoke to him the "still, small voice." Immediately upon his baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness where He fasted for forty days in preparation for the temptation by Satan, which would strengthen and prepare Him for the ministry and service God had prepared for Him. So, this fall, beginning on Sunday, September 18 we will set aside a period of forty days. We will follow Rick Warren's "Forty Days of Purpose." During that time please make every effort to attend the seven morning worship services. Pray daily and read devotions each day from the book, Purpose Driven Life. Become a part of a weekly home Bible Study and discussion group. Respond God's call upon your life, "What Am I Here For?" You will learn more later. But right now, please begin to PREPARE. Nothing of consequence will happen unless we prepare our hearts for God's moving. How? - in the same way God has prepared His people for new beginnings time and again, through prayer, repentance and humility. 1. Pray about serving on the Leadership Team which will begin its work in a few weeks. 2. Pray each day for God's leading in your life and in our church. (Remember: as Jesus was prepared for His ministry, He was led by the Spirit!) 3. Fast. Remember: Jesus, Elijah and Moses and others faster in preparation for God's new purpose. During the time leading up to September 18, periods of fasting and prayer will be urged. 4. Repent. Remember, God can do little through you unless you give Him a chance to cleanse and purify you. One stain ruins an effective witness. Only He can prepare you and make you clean and enable you through His gifts to serve Him. Remember: It is not the program which will be effective, it is what we allow God to do and say to us. It is not the time we spend, but the way we spend the time. This whole effort will not be successful, effective or worthwhile: unless we: PREPARE, PARTICIPATE, RESPOND. And one of that will occur unless we turn to God together and allow Him to speak and move in our midst. For His is the kingdom, and power and glory. Amen. Pray and prepare for these forty days,

Bro. Virgil