Welcome to the "Young At Heart" Page!


The "Young At Heart" is a ministry of

Eulaton United Methodist Church for Older Adult members,

but we welcome everyone.

The YAH meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month in the church fellowship hall at 11 a.m.

Bring a covered dish luncheon follows a program.

We have good Christian fellowship and good food.

The "Young At Heart" ministry began in 1995.

Among our many projects have been a cookbook sale, a bakeless sale and a White Elephant Sale

in March 1999, 2000, 2002 and 2003, 2004 & 2005 to fund our ministry.

The "Young At Heart" began in November 2002 sending all church members who live alone a Thanksgiving card and in March 2003 we began sending birthday cards to those who live alone to let them know they are thought in a very special way, and we will still have "Christmas In July" every year as one of the ministries of the group. We do sunshine bags, deliver the bags and visit with our church homebound members.The main emphasis of the program is the visit with the person who receives the gift bag. Of course, the person delivering the gift bag receives a blessing from visiting with this SPECIAL church member.

Juanita Gardner and Rev. Virgil Bohn

The "Young At Heart" met on April 9, 2003. The program was to honor Juanita Gardner due to her move to South Carolina. Juanita is a long time member of Eulaton United Methodist Church and did an outstanding job (you might say perfect) being chairperson of the Cemetery Committe and the Food Group.

We all love Juanita and Carl and we are sorry to see them leave the church and community. They will surely be missed.

May God who understands each need, who listens to every prayer, bless Carl and Juanita and keep them in His Tender Loving Care!

"Young At Heart" Sunday will be August 21, 2005 at the 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service. The Mann Family will present a program of music. You will be blessed by this group. Click to see a few YAH members.