Ranma's Love Matches!
(That never worked out...)
    First there's
Shampoo...Shampoo's totally crazy about Ranma.  At first, it was just some stupid law, but after a while, she really WAS in love with him.
Shampoo and Ranma DO make a CUTE couple!  I mean, in my opinion, she IS the prettiest and the strongest fighter.  She's WAY better than Akane, and everyone knows that.  She's also totally devoted, and shows her affections well...
    Even though it didn't work out for Ranma & Shampoo, She WAS after all, the first girl to KISS Ranma...In both his forms, am I right?  ^_~
Second, there's Ukyo, Ranma's CUTE fiancee.  Ukyo and Ranma were childhood friends...they grew up together, played together, and helped eachother, but when Ranma left, Ukyo didn't catch up to him.  That's probably why her and Ranma didn't work out.  They were separated... but if they DID grow up together, they probably would've fell in love.
I know that Ranma and Ukyo may look CUTE together, but I think that they're better off as friends.  To Ranma, Ukyo is only an old friend...
          And last, there's Kodachi, the Black Rose...Kodachi fell in love with Ranma by total chance!  She was recued by Ranma after...well...Ranma wacked her in the face with a pot...But honestly, I really don't think that they'd ever work out.  For one thing, Ranma CAN'T stand her, and for another, she's way too deense...she won't even allow herself to believe that Ranma is also a girl!
So, I really doubt that Ranma and Kodachi'd ever work
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