-Hand Drawn Art-

Most of these pictures were done at work, I guess that has something to say about how hard my job is.


A Walk: Lets just say I got really bored.


Rocks: Rocks, nothing too special but they are fun to draw....and ive actually gotten good at them too.


Goblin: well, it is, isnt it? not too much to say other than that.


Pond Shore: A shore of one of those pleasantly overgrown ponds.


The Squiggly Tree: It is a tree of some sort altough it died awhile ago and is now a habitat for some grass....id take a picture of it too if I had the chance she is getting.


Hanging Thingy: More from the same world as Asking Directions, Cliff, and Crossing. I dont know what it is, but it was fun and looks good.


Tracks: This picture was to do somethinga bit more real world. Not really what I like drawing but it was a bit of a change from my normal surrealistic stuff.


Swamp: A swamp, by request by Tembra. I apologize for the sketchy tree in the background. I meant it to give a sense of depth and fog in the swamp, this doesnt seem to be something you can do with ballpoint pen to well.


Horsetails: Just a quick sketch of some horsetails done with a very fine point felt tip pen, as opposed to all the rest which were done with ballpoint.


Assassin: An Assassin by request by Devin. I love her face, I wish I could get faces to look like that more often. Im not good at faces because I dont draw them often enough... I dont draw them often enough because im not good at them, go figure.


Bridge: I admit the thumbnail for this is boring as all get out. This was actually at my previous job... I have pretty good luck with jobs.


Crossing: A small silly picture, nothing special, although it is set in the same world as Asking Directions, although not the same character.


Asking Directions: The little girl in this picture has some interesting adventures. When I need a character to observe something interesting ive drawn she always appears there to do so. Ive never shown her face because if I did she would eb observing the observer, not the subject. There isnt really any relevance to her and she isnt based on anything. She is just a character although I have plans to make her more of one.


All Seeing Eye: Or more accurately a slightly different take on the phrase. I dont know what that is looking through the telescope, but it has one eye and doesnt brush its hair too often.


Ent: An Ent, nothing more, nothing less.


Robot: A robot, nothing more, nothing less.


Winged Girl: Imagination can give you anything, like wings, so can red bull. This is the only pencil drawing on here. I like pencil, but I dont like how innacurate it is, and how you cant get black, only silver. This is not the same girl as mentioned before, just a random person this time.


Windmill: This is actually the first time I used the little girl in a picture, after this she kind of stuck around. The windmill was not enough, someone needed to be enjoying it hence her appearence. She isnt technically looking at the windmill, go to the computer art section to see what was missing from the hand drawn portion of this picture.


Cliff: The little girl again, once again in the same world as Asking Directions and Crossing


Pika: This is a STUPID picture. Im sure that is aparent even from the thumbnail. I think its done rather well and It amuses me so I posted it here.


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