This site is in the process of moving to I haven't checked out all of the links nor notified the people who link to it, but it should be working. It has no ads and no timeouts! Thank you to the donor!
  Exploring The Catcher in the Rye
   The Catcher in the Rye Book Index
   When Were Holden's Madman Days?
   New York City Maps and Photo Tour
   Old Prep School Ads
   A Few Links
[Cobblestones on 5th Avenue sidewalk]

Observations, including:
[from the carrousel horse's mouth] Holden Caulfield and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Looking for Clues of Holden's Future in the 7 Up Documentaries
Parallels between Freaks&Geeks and Catcher in the Rye
My Holden Guide to Life
Catcher in the Rye Essay, by Mr. Punt
Polls Results
Photo Album (look for +text)
Art, including:
[Allie at the golf course] Photo Album
Art Gallery
Creativity Guestbook
Fan Fiction, including:
[the central park duck thought, 'Quack!'] Chapter 25.5, by Mike Cairns
Raindrops, by Abby Cox, and
What Stradlater Did that Sunday

The Catcher in the Rye was written by J.D. Salinger, published 1951.

Site Map
About this site
    Site by Suzanne Morine
Thanks to an anonymous site donor for funding this site's hosting throug 10 Oct 2010.
(More thanks!)

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Last Update: 10 October 2009