Card Lists

Last Updated: March 26, 1998

My card list officially complete for the Premire Addition. This is now the BEST place to check on the stats of your favorite cards, including availability.

Characters: Predator Alien Marine

Items: Predator Marine

Locations Events

Predator Characters

Cunning Hunter - Speed: 4 Power: 7 Predator, Adaptable, Lethal, Marksman, Veteran
9 honor.
A powerful opponent under all conditions.

Eager Youth - Speed: 4 Power: 5 Predator, Brave, Lethal, Marksman
3 honor. Cannot Ready during the next Ready round whenever he rolls a 1 in combat.
He does not yet have wisdom or experience.

Fast Claw - Speed: 5 Power: 7 Predator, Adaptable, Brave, Lethal, Veteran
12 honor. Plus 1 to hit in Close Combat.
How can anything that big move so fast?

Gray Stripe - Speed: 4 Power: 7 Predator, Adaptable, Brave, Marksman, Unlucky
7 honor.
Strong, but fate does not favor him.

Honored Elder - Speed: 4 Power: 7 Predator, Brave, Lethal, Marksman, Veteran
8 honor.
A bit slower. A lot smarter.

Huntmaster - Speed: 5 Power: 7 Predator, Brave, Lethal, Marksman, Veteran
13 Honor. He may rotate to prevent any other character at his location from attacking.
He enforces the rules of the hunt.

Outcast - Speed: 5 Power: 6 Predator, Adaptable, Lethal, Marksman, Veteran
Cannot win through Honor.
With no honor, he kills merely for pleasure.

Sharp Eye - Speed: 5 Power: 6 Predator, Brave, Marksman, Veteran
12 Honor. Plus 1 to hit with Ranged weapons.
Where he aims, he hits.

Young Tusk - Speed: 4 Power: 6 Predator, Brave, Lethal, Marksman
5 honor.
He is just gaining his reputation.

Alien Characters

Alien Queen - Speed: 0 Power: 7 Alien, Lethal
Can never move. Alien Queen does Power +3 damage. (See special Alien rules.)
Something must be laying those eggs.

Alien Warrior - Speed: 4 Power: 5Alien, Lethal
Alien Warrior does Power +3 damage.
They grow into killers in a matter of days.

Chest Burster - Speed: 3 Power: 2 Alien
It gestates inside a human host.

Pet Hybrid - Speed: 5 Power: 4 Alien, Lethal
If a pet is impregnated, replace the Chest Burster with this card instead of Alien Warrior. Pet Hybrid does Power +4 damage.
An Alien's shape is partially determined by its host's DNA.

Predator Hybrid - Speed: 5 Power: 7 Alien, Lethal
If a Predator is impregnated, replace the Chest Burster with this card instead of an Alien Warrior. Hybrid may move 1 location during the Draw round. Hybrid does Power +3 damage.
The most dangerous hybrid yet known.

Royal Guard - Speed: 5 Power: 6 Alien, Lethal
Must be created with Royal Jelly in the presence of a Queen. Rotate and discard to cancel one attack on its Queen. Royal Guard does Power +3 damage.
They guard her with their lives.

Warrior Queen - Speed: 4 Power: 8 Alien, Lethal
Can only be brought into play under special conditions. Warrior Queen does Power +3 Damage. (See special Alien rules.)
One ugly mother.

Young Queen - Speed: 3 Power: 6 Alien, Lethal
Can only be brought into play under special conditions. Young Queen does Power +3 damage. (See special Alien rules.)
She will soon create a hive of her own.
Marine Characters

Ash - Speed: 3 Power: 4 Synthetic, Driver, Medic, Pilot
Generates 1 research point per turn without rotating. Cannot attack Aliens.
You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you?

Bishop - Speed: 4 Power: 5 Marine, Synthetic, Driver, Medic, Pilot
Rotate to generate 1 research point.
I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid.

Carter Burke - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Coward, Unlucky
When searching Weaponry locations, he can also find Equipment or Military Arms.
This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.

Cpl Ackels - Speed: 2 Power: 3 Marine, Marksman, Pilot, Tactics, Veteran
He says flying is an art. Right.

Cpl Brown - Speed: 3 Power: 3 Marine, Marksman, Scout, Sniper
Plus 1 to hit. If he rolls a 1 in combat, his weapon is Damaged.
22 confirmed kills ... most were hostile.

Cpl Hicks - Speed: 3 Power: 4 Marine, Brave, Marksman, Tactics, Veteran
Plus 1 to hit with Ranged weapons. Rotate to Ready any Marine at the same location.
All right people, let's move like we've got a purpose.

Cpl Myler - Speed: 2 Power: 3 Marine, Marksman, Scout, Tactics, Veteran
Plus 1 to hit with the M42-A Scope Rifle.
You can count on him to get the job done.

Dallas - Speed:3 Power:3 Leader, Pilot
May use Military Arms.
Will you just listen to me?

Kane - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Pilot, Unlucky
Rotate to search your deck for the next location card, which is played adjacent to his location. Move Kane to the new location. Shuffle your deck.
I'll volunteer to be in the first group out.

Lambert - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Coward, Pilot
May double movement points by reducing defense to 0 until the end of the turn.
I say that we abandon ship ...

Lt Campbell - Speed: 2 Power: 4 Marine, Leader, Marksman, Tactics
Rotate to gain 1 Combat Pool.
He was the top of his class in tactics.

Marine Private - Speed: 2 Power: 3 Marine, Marksman
Multiple copies of this card may be selected as starting characters.
We just call him "grunt."

Parker - Speed: 2 Power: 4 Lethal
Rotate to find a Makeshift Weapon card from your deck. Shuffle your deck.
I think we ought to discuss the bonus situation.

Pvt Hewitt - Speed: 2 Power: 4 Marine, Marksman, Tactics, Veteran
Hewitt and Privates moving with him move with no penalty past all opponents.
Busted back to private for insubordination. Again.

Pvt Hudson - Speed: 2 Power: 4 Marine, Lethal, Marksman, Coward, Unlucky, Veteran
Plus 1 to hit with Ranged weapons.
17 days? Hey, man ... we're not going to last 17 hours!

Pvt Masters - Speed: 3 Power: 3 Marine, Brave, Marksman, Smartgunner
She's as tough as they come.

Pvt McIntyre - Speed: 2 Power: 3 Marine, Marksman, Medic
I'm glad we brought him, we may NEED a medic!

Pvt Rogers - Speed: 2 Power: 4 Marine, Marksman, Smartgunner, Tactics, Unlucky
He talks to his gun ... and says that it answers. You wanna argue with him?

Pvt Von Gries - Speed: 2 Power: 4 Marine, Marksman
A hard worker. Smart, too. That 'n five bucks still won't buy a cup of coffee.

Ripley - Speed: 3 Power: 3 Brave, Lucky, Pilot
Rotate at any time to move 1 location.
Well I don't care HOW, but we'd better think of something!

Sgt Bass - Speed: 2 Power: 4 Marine, Leader, Marksman, Tactics, Veteran
Rotate to give all Marines at his location +1 to hit.
He says these drops are shaving time off his "afterlife duty."

Sgt Hart - Speed: 3 Power: 3 Marine, Marksman, Scout, Sniper, Veteran
Plus 1 to hit. No cards using Combat Pool may be played on him or on anyone attacking him.
One round, one kill.

WO Kraver - Speed: 2 Power: 4 Marine, Marksman, Pilot, Veteran
Rotate to search the top 3 cards of your deck. He finds any Supporting Characters. Discard other cards.
He runs all the platoon's trades and knows just about everybody.

Secondary Characters

Black Marketeer - Speed: 2 Power: 3 Tavern
Unique. Rotate this character and pay 3 Combat Pool to find any card from your deck. Add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
Hey, a guy's got to make a living.

Child - Speed: 2 Power: 1 Kitchen
She snuck into the kitchen for a bite to eat.

Cocooned Victim - Speed: 0 Power: 1 Breeding Chamber
This character is automatically considered to be captured by the Alien player when found.
Kill me, please ...

Company Official - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Corporate Office
Unique. Plus 2 defense.
She's great at looking out for number 1.

Dockworker - Speed: 2 Power: 3 Docking Bay Brave, Lethal
Does Power +2 damage in close combat.
Space bug or not, don't mess with the Union.

Electronics Tech - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Hi-Tech
Minus 1 to hit. Rotate at any location to remove a Power Outage for one turn, or at the Power Plant to remove one completely.
Sure I can get it working ... just as soon as you get me the parts from Earth.

Engineer - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Engineering
Minus 1 to hit.
What do you want me to do, part the sea?

Hacker - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Access Space Computers
Unique. Minus 1 to hit.
Listen, cowboy, the only password I need is the name of your bank.

Lab Worker - Speed: 2 Power: 1 Science Lab
Minus 1 to hit. Rotate for 1 research point.
Please don't touch that. We think it may be toxic.

Mechanic - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Machine Shop
Minus 1 to hit.
Half the stuff on base he's either made or had to fix.

Pet - Speed: 3 Power: 2 Living Quarters Animal
Pet does Power +1 damage. (Cannot pick up or use items.)
He's not as friendly as he looks.

Physician - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Infirmary Medic
Minus 1 to hit. Rotate to heal 1 point of damage on a human character at the same location.
Take two aspirin. You know the rest.

Programmer - Speed: 2 Power: 1 Computer Center
Minus 1 to hit. Rotate at a location with Computers to view a hidden movement marker at any connected location.
Coders virtually live in their own world.

Quartermaster - Speed: 3 Power: 3 Equipment Warehouse Marine, Marksman, Tactics, Veteran
He became the base's quartermaster after mustering out of the service.

Security Chief - Speed: 2 Power: 3 Security Station Marksman, Veteran
Unique. Rotate to make a Short-Ranged attack at +2 to hit, 8 damage or a Long-Ranged attack for 5 damage.
Nothing gets past him ... unless you count the stuff that comes in on percentage.

Security Guard - Speed: 2 Power: 3 Secure Rotate to make a Short-Ranged attack for 7 damage.
Rent-A-Cops, even on the rim.

Sleeper - Speed: 1 Power: 2 Cryonics
Minus 1 to hit. Has no speed for the first movement round after he is found. May be found at hive locations.
The joints take a while to warm up after some down time in cold sleep.

Staff Worker - Speed: 2 Power: 2 Civilian Coward
Minus 1 to hit.
Don't ask me. I just work here.

Predator Items

Acid Resistant Claws - Predator Item, 4 Honor
Does Power +3 damage. Cannot be destroyed by Acid.
Made from an alkaline metallic alloy.

Camouflage Suit - Predator Item, 10 Honor
Plus 1 defense. Whenever he is allowed to move, the owner may use hidden movement with 3 markers.
His greatest asset is surprise.

Ceremonial Armor - Predator Item, 2 Honor
Provides 1 armor.
It's more for display than protection.

Collapsible Spear- Predator Item, 6 Honor Short-Ranged
Does Power +4 damage. Can be used in Close Combat or as a Short-Ranged weapon. Is dropped at location after any Ranged attack.
It provides formidable utility.

Darts - Predator Item, 1 Honor Short-Ranged
Does 6 damage.
Not very powerful. They make the hunt more challenging.

Hunter's Mask - Predator Item, 4 Honor
View any hidden markers at your location (except Aliens at Hive locations). Provides immunity to Environmental Gas Damage.
It allows a Predator to see in several spectra.

Hunting Kit - Predator Item, 4 Honor
Contains Melee Claws (Does Power +3 damage), Mask (take no damage from Environmental Gas), and Ceremonial Armor (Provides 1 armor).
The standard equipment chosen for most hunts.

Laser Sight - Predator Item, 2 Honor
Plus 1 to hit with Ranged weapons. A hidden owner must declare his attacks at the same time as unhidden characters.
It "paints" the target for greater long-range accuracy.

Mask - Predator Item, 0 Honor
Owner takes no damage from Environmental Gas.
For hostile atmospheres.

Melee Claws - Predator Item, 2 Honor
Does Power +3 damage.
They easily cut through flesh and bone.

Naginata - Predator Item, 7 Honor
Does Power +4 damage. Plus 1 defense in Close Combat.
Long and sharp enough to keep even the most dangerous prey at bay.

Plasma Caster - Predator Item, 10 Honor Long-Ranged
Does 15 damage. This weapon cannot run out of ammo.
The power of this energy weapon is beyond any human technology.

Predator Medikit - Predator Item, 2 Honor
Owner discards this item and rotates to heal 3 damage.
Predator medical technology is short on pain killers but highly effective.

Scattergun - Predator Item, 7 Honor "Short-Ranged
Plus 1 to hit. Does 10 damage. An Alien killed by a Scattergun does +1 Acid Splash damage.
Not unlike a high-tech shotgun. A traditional choice for Alien hunts.

Self Destruct - Predator Item, 0 Honor
Activate with Event card. Detonates at the end of 2 turns, destroying its location, all connected locations, and their contents. Discard cards.

Throwing Disk - Predator Item, 7 Honor Short-Ranged
Total damage of: Power + 2 plus roll to hit minus defense. If attack is not a hit, the disk is dropped at that location.
So sharp, it can cut through just about anything it hits.

Marine Items

Bottled Courage - Tavern or Equipment
Character who possesses this item removes Coward or adds Brave resource. Minus 1 to hit.
Buy the next round and I'll tell you about the bugs we "capped" last time out.

Camouflage - Military Arms, Sniper
The owner may use hidden movement with two markers.
To a seasoned sniper, these are just work clothes.

Chemical Base - Equipment
Discard to cancel Acid Damage on a character at the same location.
High school chemistry does have a payoff.

CN-20 Nerve Gas - Military Arms
Rotate Marine character and drop item to activate. At the end of the next turn, all characters within 2 locations take 6 points of Environmental Gas Damage.
I say we nerve gas the entire nest!

Combat Knife - Weaponry
Does Power +2 damage.
A gun just plain works better.

Communications Array - Equipment Communications
Owner adds Communications resource.
Command and control is almost entirely dependent upon communications.

Crude Explosives - Machine Shop Long-Ranged
Rotate owner to make a Long-Ranged attack on every character at a location. Attacks are at -1 to hit. Does 8 damage. Discard.
Probably seismic survey charges.

Demolition Charge - Military Arms
At the end of combat, Marine with this item rotates to drop. At the start of the next Combat round, all characters at this location suffer 13 points of damage and the location becomes Damaged. Discard item.
The latest thing in urban renewal.

Double-Packed Ammo - Weaponry
Character with this item adds +1 to his Small Arms or Shotgun's damage. If weapon becomes damaged, it is destroyed instead (discard both cards).
More bang for your buck, but it goes both ways.

Experimental Rifle - Military Arms Long-Ranged
Unique. Roll a die when fired: 1: Destroyed, user takes 6 damage. 2: No effect. 3: +2 to hit and 8 damage. 4 or 5: +2 to hit and 10 damage. 6: +3 to hit and 13 damage.
So what happens when I activate this red switch?

Extra Ammo - Weaponry
Rotate to reload a weapon you carry (the weapon is no longer out of ammo).
A pulse rifle without ammo's 'bout as good as a paperweight.

Field Pack - Military Arms Long-Ranged
Contains M41A Pulse Rifle (Long-Ranged, 10 damage) and M3 Body Armor (provides 2 armor).
USCM standard issue arms and armor for combat patrols.

Garrison Pack - Weaponry Short-Ranged
Contains Small Arms (Short-Ranged, 7 damage) and Flack Jacket(provides 1 armor).
USMC standard issue arms and armor for garrison duty.

Grenade Launcher - Military Arms, M41A Pulse Rifle Long-Ranged
Character with this item attacks all characters at a location for 8 damage.
With a 10 meter explosive pattern, use within enclosed spaces is not advised.

Hand Welder - Equipment
Rotate owner to drop this item between any two locations. If owner remains at his location and rotates again at the end of the next turn, the locations are no longer adjacent.
With this baby, you can put up a barrier that nothing can get through.

M240 Flame Thrower - Military Arms Short-Ranged
Plus 2 to hit. Does 7 damage. Plus 1 damage to an Alien card for each Alien token on it.
But it's a DRY heat.

M3 Body Armor - Military Arms
Provides 2 armor.
Titanium alloy and ceramics provide essential protection for dangerous duty.

M41A Pulse Rifle - Military Arms Long-Ranged
Does 10 damage.
I'd like to introduce you to a personal friend of mine.

M42A Scope Rifle - Military Arms Long-Ranged
Does 13 damage. May atack two locations away at -2 to hit (-1 if Sniper). The rifle is rotated when fired, and the owner must rotate to ready it again.
Reach out and touch someone.

M56 Smart Gun - Military ArmsLong-Ranged
Plus 1 to hit. Does 13 damage. Requires Smartgunner to use.
State of the art firepower.

Makeshift Weapon - Engineering or Machine Shop Ranged
When found, declare it to be any Weaponry item. It acts as that item, but with -1 to hit and -1 to damage.
Crude, but effective.

Medikit - Equipment
Rotate the owner to heal 2 damage from any human at the same location. Discard item.
It's good for more than just cuts and bruises.

Mk 35 Pressure Suit - Equipment
Provides 1 armor. Minus 1 to hit. Character takes no Environmental Damage.
Full body atmospheric protection, but bulky.

Mk 50 Compression Suit - Equipment
Character takes no Environmental Damage.
A high quality suit designed with combat in mind.

Motion Scanner - Equipment
Rotate item to view all hidden movement markers at this and all adjacent locations.
I've got movement! I've got signals!

P-5000 Powerloader - Docking Bay
Owner may only enter Open locations. Owner's Power increases to 8, and all Close Combat attacks against him are at -2 to hit.
MOST people use it for heavy lifting.

Personal Data Locator - Equipment
Owner discards item to search his deck and find the first Supporting Character. Shuffle the deck.
Every colonist had one implanted.

Sentry Gun Control - Military Arms, M42A Scope Rifle
Owner with an M42A Scope Rifle may rotate a UA 571C Sentry Gun during combat to make Sentry Gun attack a valid target within 2 locations of the owner.
I've got my finger on the button.

Shotgun - Weaponry Ranged
Short-Ranged: +2 to hit and 8 damage. Long-Ranged: 5 damage. An Alien killed by a Shotgun does +2 Acid Splash Damage.
I keep this for close encounters.

UA 571C Sentry Gun - Military Arms Long-Ranged
Rotate owner and drop item to activate. Plus 1 to hit. Does 13 damage. Gun makes a free attack at every non-human who enters its location.
This area is off limits. We mean it.

Location Cards

Access Space - Confined
The first person to play this card picks one additional location. That location is adjacent to the Access Space. This effect is permanent.
I think she went into the air ducts.

Airlock - Entry, Confined
For ships too large to use the docking bay.

Ambush Point - Hive
Aliens at this location may resolve Close Combat attacks simultaneously with all Ranged attacks.
There could be anything hiding in there ...

Armory - Equipment, Military Arms, Weaponry
Unique. Rotate at this location to search your deck and find the first Equipment, Weaponry, or Military Arms card. Shuffle your deck.
I feel much safer in here.

Atmosphere Processor - Confined, Hi-Tech
... we manufacture these, by the way.

Barracks - Confined, Cover
Not exactly five-star hotel accommodations.

Breeding Chamber Only Hive locations may be adjacent. Hive, Open
Aliens may move to or from this and any other Hive location for 2 moves.
The center of the hive is here with the Queen and her eggs.

Cargo Bay - Confined, Cover, Equipment
It's where we keep our stuff.

Communications - Center Communications, Confined, Hi-Tech
It's our only contact with the outside world.

Computer Center - Computers, Cover, Hi-Tech
The station is highly automated.

Corporate Office Confined, Civilian
This facility is under corporate administration. Try not to forget it.

Corridor Central, Damaged
Looks like hits from small arms fire.

Cryonics Chamber Cover, Cryonics
Rip Van Winkle would have loved this place.
Docking Bay Central, Entry, Open, Equipment
The resupply point for the station.

Elevator Confined
This location is distinct. It is not the same location as any other Elevator. A character may move between Elevator locations in 1 move.
The fastest access to all levels of the complex.

Engineering Confined, Cover, Equipment, Engineer
This is really the heart of the station.

Equipment Warehouse Confined, Equipment
Rotate at this location to search your deck and find the first Equipment card. Shuffle your deck.
You never know what you may find.

Hardpoint Cover
A Marine at this location may rotate it. The location makes a Long-Ranged attack for 8 damage.
The defenses here include particle beam phalanx weapons.

Heat Exchanger Cover, Hi-Tech
If this location is Damaged, it will explode in 3 turns, destroying itself, all connected locations, and their contents. Discard all cards.
If you rupture the cooling tower ... Adios Muchachos!

Hived Airlock Hive, Entry, Confined
You can go in...but you may not come out.

Hived Corridor Hive, Confined
This location is distinct. It is not the same location as any other Hived Corridor.
Just another passage to oblivion.

Hived Cryonics Hive, Cover, Cryonics
Pray that you never wake up.

Hived Engineering Hive, Cover, Confined, Equipment
The Aliens have little apparent use for the artifice of mankind.

Hived Hall Hive, Open
I believe the Queen has the floor ...

Hived Lounge Hive
Guess they didn't like karaoke.

Hived Main Corridor Hive, Central, Open
Don't nobody touch nothin'!

Hived Passage Hive, Damaged
From the way this place looks, there must have been a firefight.

Hived Plant Hive, Cover
How can they cut the power?

Hived Processor Hive, Confined
Looks like someone decided to redecorate.

Hived Quarters Hive, Confined
The former occupant left no forwarding address.

Hived Shop Hive, Equipment
Rotate this location and a character at this location to repair a Damaged item in his possession.
We need those parts! Let's go, before someone comes visiting!

Hived Storage Hive, Confined, Cover, Equipment
I wonder what THEY store here.

Infirmary Doctor
Rotate a human character at this location to heal 2 points of damage.
... and you get breakfast in bed.

Isolated Corridor Confined
This location is distinct. It is not the same location as any other Isolated Corridor.
Where are we now? I dunno. But it's quiet. Too quiet.

Kitchen Cover, Open
The food here may not be gourmet, but it sure beats K rations.

Landing Pad Entry, Open
I want an immediate dust-off on my clear.

Living Quarters Civilian, Confined
It may be small, but it's home.

Machine Shop Machinist Equipment
Rotate a character at this location to repair 1 Damaged item he owns.
If you can break it, we can fix it.

Main Corridor Central, Open
The Main Corridor is adjacent to all other Central locations.
This corridor connects to all major sections of the base.

Meeting Hall Open
Public meetings are held here ... but you've heard enough BS for one lifetime.

Mess Hall Civilian, Cover, Open
How come everything "tastes like chicken"?

Operations Central, Civilian, Communications, Computers, Security
This is the nerve center of the base.

Power Plant Cover, Hi-Tech
You can't just throw another log on the fire.

Predator Mothership Only Entry locations may be adjacent. Predator Item, Ship
Predator at this location rotates to heal 2 points of damage. At this location, rotate to find any Predator item card in the player's deck for 1 honor.
The hunter's home away from homeworld.

Predator Ship Only Entry locations may be adjacent. Predator Item, Ship
Predator at this location rotates to heal 2 points of damage. Rotate at this location to search your deck and find the first Predator item card. Shuffle your deck.
It has an extensive trophy hall.

Predator Shuttle Only Entry locations may be adjacent. Predator Item, Ship
At this location, rotate to search your deck and find the first Predator item card. Shuffle your deck.
Small and cramped, it can just accommodate the hunters and their weapons.

Quarantine Confined
Humans rotate at this location to heal 1 damage. Costs 2 moves to enter or leave this location.
In a white room ...

Science Lab
Characters who generate research points generate +1 research point at this location.
They're searching for Alien weaknesses.

Security Checkpoint Secure
Reveal any hidden markers at or moving through this location.
Motion sensors are standard equipment here.

Security Station Cover, Secure, Weaponry
Plus 1 defense to all humans at this location.
This is the next best thing to a military base, without all the grunts.

Stairwell Cover
This location is distinct. It is not the same location as any other Stairwell. Characters may move between Stairwells for 2 moves.
Check those corners!

Tavern Civilian
Rotate a Marine at this location at the beginning of the Movement round to draw one card.
All the comforts of home.

Water Processing Open
Reveal any hidden Predator markers at or moving through this location. The Camouflage Suit is Damaged while at this location.
Might as well be a swimming pool, 'cept for the muck.

Weapons Locker Weaponry
Rotate at this location to search your deck and find the first Weaponry card. Shuffle your deck./font>
Some of my best friends sleep in here.

Event Cards

2 by 2 Formation
Permanent. Discard at any time, or when a new formation is played. For each four marines at the same location during the ready round, gain one Combat Pool.
OK, Frost, Dietrich, you're up!

Access Tunnel
One or more characters moving together may move through two additional locations when moving this turn. These characters move with no penalty past all opponents.
Crawling beats walking through a room full of Aliens.!

Acid Splash
Play when an attacking Alien is killed. The Alien's target suffers 6 damage, and one random item is destroyed by Acid (discard it).
... with concentrated acid for blood ...!

Acid Spray
Play at the end of combat. Each non-Alien at a location with a just killed Alien takes 1 point of Environmental Acid Damage.
Even dead they are dangerous.!

Activate Self Destruct Self Destruct
Predator must have a Speed of 0 to play this card. Active the Self Destruct item.
It is more honorable to die than to live with defeat.!

Adapt and Overcome
Play after you roll the die in combat. The next time you need a die roll, use this roll instead. Costs 3 Combat Pool.
The enemy can be your best teacher.!

Adrenaline Rush
Plus 1 to hit. May not be used by a character who is a Coward.
You don't get a rush like this from flipping burgers. !

Advantageous Terrain
Plus 1 to hit. In addition, +1 to hit if defender's location is Confined with no Cover.
We make our stand here!!

Aggravated Wound
Play on a character who just took damage but survived. Character's player loses 2 Combat Pool.
An injured warrior can be more of a drain on your foe than a dead one.!

Alien Birth
The Alien player immediately captures one Supporting Character. Costs 3 Combat Pool (1 Combat Pool if character is uncontrolled.)
Some victims don't even realize they've been impregnated until too late.!

Alien Hunter Alien
One Alien character begins using hidden movement with three markers. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
Maybe they don't show up on infrared.!

Alien Pursuit Alien
At the end of the Movement round, one Alien (which can move) moves 1 location if that puts it in the same location as an opponent.
They move even faster when they are running down prey.!

Alien Stealth
All Aliens currently at Hive locations begin using Hidden Movement with 1 marker each.
They can blend right into the walls of their hive.!

Alien Wave
After initial Alien declares an attack, each additional Alien gains accumulative +1 to hit the same target.
They're coming out of the ... walls!!

A hidden character who declares an attack against an opponent who did not declare an attack gains +3 to hit.
Hit hard and with surprise.!

Area Is Secure, The
Play on a location with only your species present. No other players may move into or through the location until the next movement round.
Looks clear ... for the moment.!

At Any Price
Character can ignore all damage for 3 turns, unless the damage kills. Costs 2 Combat Pool per point of damage ignored.
... Victory!!

At the Limit
Opposing player's Combat Pool is limited to its current level. Lasts 3 turns. Costs 2 Combat Pool.
You can only push so hard.!

Bad Feeling, A
Unique. Permanent. Play on a human. Minus 1 defense. Costs 2 Combat Pool.
When we get back without ya, I'll call your folks. !

Baptism of Fire Marine
Permanent. Marine character who declares an attack gains the Veteran or Brave resource, or he loses the Coward resource.
Real combat will sort you out real fast. We'll soon know what you're made of.!

Battlefield Chaos
Character must pay 2 Combat Pool to rotate this turn.
What's happening, Apone? I can't see anything in here.!

Blaze the Path Flame Thrower
At the start of combat, roll a die. On a 5 or 6, gain one free attack with the Flame Thrower at each hidden marker at this location.
With this baby, you don't need a candle to light your way!!

If a character is at a location with one of your characters, its movement is reduced by 1 (2 if your character has tactics).
Oh no you don't!!

Body Slam
Plus 2 Close Combat damage. In addition, +2 Close Combat damage if the location is Confined.
Don't get caught between a Predator and a hard place.!

Booby Trap
At the start of combat, play on a location where your Marine ended his last turn while ready. Attack each character at that location for 8 points of damage.
If your movements are predictable, so is your fate.!

Breakthrough Marine
Provides 2 research points.
We've been studying this phenomenon.!

Bug Hunt Marine
Reduce the movement of all your Marines by 1 this turn, but roll a die for each hidden marker that is at or enters their location(s). On a 5 or 6, reveal it.
A xenomorph may be involved.!

Burst Pipe
Play when a Ranged attack of 10 or more damage misses. Causes 1 point of Environmental Damage to every character (and hidden marker) at defender's location.
The steam in those pipes can be hot, toxic, or both.!

Calculated Risk Tactics
Any two or more characters with Tactics use one die roll to resolve their attacks.
Sometimes big risks yield big rewards ... sometimes.!

Captured Alien
Play to capture a character you just killed in Close Combat.
They're still alive!!

Carpe Corpus
Make one free attack at -1 to hit against a Supporting Character during the Search round, if the Supporting Character has just been discovered.
Seize the body.!

Ceiling Highway Alien
Character begins using hidden movement with 2 markers.
They can move as easily through the ceiling as upon the ground.

Close Quarters
An Alien who attacked a human last turn but failed to kill may not be attacked by any human besides its target if it attacks the same target.
Its breath alone may be deadly.!

Combat Mastery Veteran, Predator
Spend three (or six) Combat Pool to add one (or two) to a character's Speed, Power, and rolls to hit. Lasts one turn.
Beyond training there is experience, beyond experience there is mastery.!

Committed Posture
Opposing player loses 1 Combat Pool each turn during his Ready Round. Lasts 5 turns. Costs 2 Combat Pool.
We can't back out now.!

Concentrated Fire Ranged
Plus 2 damage. Does an additional +1 damage if used with a Smart Gun.
Hit one target hard, and take him out.!

Cancel an event with an ongoing effect which required Combat Pool. Costs 1 Combat Pool more than the event countered.
The move was easy enough to foresee.!

Cover Formation
Permanent. Discard at any time, or when a new formation is played. Each Marine may guard one Supporting Character at the same location, who may not be attacked. Each Marine is -1 defense.
C'mon people, let's keep these civies alive, it's what they pay us for!!

Covering Fire
Character gains +1 defense for each character targeting his attacker.
Keep me covered!!

Cower Coward
Rotate a character to double his defense. Character does not Ready on the next Ready round.
He who fights and runs away ...!

Crazed Civilian
Permanent. Play immediately after a Supporting Character has been found. He will remain uncontrolled, and makes a free attack at every character who enters his location.
Sometimes they just break down from the stress.!

Crossfire Ranged
Play on 2 or more characters at the same location who are making a Ranged attack. Each gains +1 to hit (+2 if the character possesses Tactics).
Catch 'em right here. This will be our killing zone.!

Dead End
Force an opponent to rotate a card immediately, with no effect. Costs 2 Combat Pool.

Death from Above Alien, Hive
Hidden Alien gains +2 to hit. His attack is resolved before Ranged attacks.
I'm telling you, man, they're right on top of us!!

Defend the Hive
For duration of turn, all Aliens starting at Hive locations gain +1 Speed. May only be played once per turn.
Ever kick over an anthill?!

Desperate Leap
Roll a die. Add roll -2 to defense.
I can make it!!

Desperate Shot Marine, Ranged
If Marine misses a character who is attacking him in Close Combat, he gains a free attack at -1 to hit.
Keep firing!

Deteriorating Situation
All players lose 1 Combat Pool during the Ready round. Lasts for 5 turns.
Well that's great ... now what are we supposed to do?

Dire Straits
Opponent must pay double for each Combat Pool expenditure this turn.
It can't get any worse.

Disarmament Lethal or Marksman
Attack a character's item. It has the same defense as its owner. If the item is hit, it is destroyed (discard it).
We've got to get tougher armor.

Disengaging Attack Predator or Tactics
Play on one or more of your characters at the same location who have declared attacks. They are -2 to hit and damage, but may move 1 location immediately after combat.
Lay down suppressing fire and cover our retreat.

Permanent. Play on any Predator location. Any character rotating at this location while the Predator is absent costs the Predator 1 honor.
If you cannot protect your own base, you are weak.

Display of Skill
Pay 10 Combat Pool to reduce your honor requirement for victory by 5.
There is more to being a great hunter than just the kill.

Dissection Marine
Permanent. Play this card after killing a Predator or Alien. Generate 5 research points to gain +1 to hit all characters of that species for the rest of the game.
Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

Plus 1 defense. In addition, +1 defense if character's location has Cover.
There's quick and then there's dead.

Dodge and Roll Open
Rotate a character you control to gain +4 defense (+6 if Veteran).
Kiss the deck, then come up shooting.

Dwindling Options
For every 1 Combat Pool you pay, your opponent must discard one random card. (He waits to the next Draw round to refill his hand.)
A foe without options is as good as defeated.

Eat This Short Ranged, Shotgun
Plus 2 to hit and damage against an Alien, but attacker takes 3 points of Acid Damage. Resistance does not reduce the damage. Any armor that is not acid resistant is destroyed (discard it).
Close encounters of the deadly kind.

Eat Vacuum Marine or Predator
Play on an Entry location where you have a character. Everyone at that location is killed at the end of the next round, unless they have Environmental Damage prevention.
In space, no one can hear you scream.

Egg Sack Detachment
Replace the Alien Queen with the Warrior Queen card from your play hand. Discard the Alien Queen.
When necessary for survival, a Queen can detach herself from the egg sack.

Emergency Escape Vessel Marine
Evacuate one or more characters from one location. (They leave the game.)
I say ... we get the shuttle and get the ... out of here!

Empty Ranged
Play on a character during the Combat round. The character runs out of ammo at the end of the combat round. Costs two Combat Pool.
Click, click, click...

End of the Line
Cancel and discard a Permanent Event card. Costs two Combat Pool.
It's just not gonna happen.

Evacuation Marine
Location gains the Secure, Civilian, or Hi-Tech resource for the rest of the turn.
Get those people out of here!

Extremely Agitated
All Aliens at this location must attack valid targets of your choice this Combat round. Costs 3 Combat Pool.
Instinct sometimes works against them.

Face Hugger Attack Hive
This card attacks one opponent at or moving through a Hive location any time during the Movement round. The attack is at -2 to hit. If hit, the target is captured by the Alien player.
They killed him taking it off.

Facing Bad Luck
Character must roll again. Costs two Combat Pool, or no cost if opponent's character is Unlucky, or your character is Lucky.
Trouble is just waiting to hatch.

Field Promotion Marine
If you control no Marines who are Leaders, the highest ranking Marine you control becomes a Leader. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
I believe Corporal Hicks is in charge.

Fiery Defense
Rotate and roll a die. Add the roll to the character's defense. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
Sometimes risks pay off.

Fire Alarm
Rotate any non-Alien character at the beginning of movement to reveal any hidden Predator markers at or moving through this location. The Camouflage Suit is damaged for the rest of the turn.
Predator technology is liable to short-circuit when wet.

Plus 1 to hit. In addition, +1 to hit if character is at the same location as his target and his target is being attacked by another character.
I'll keep him occupied, you work your way around him.

Flesh Wound
Plus 1 resistance.
It missed all his vital organs.

Fog of War
Your opponent loses 1 Combat Pool.
There is always confusion in the heat of battle.

Fortify Confined
Permanent. Place this card under a location. All of your characters gain +1 defense while at this location.
We'll hole up here.

Found 'Em
Play at the start of movement. All players find the top location in their decks, and play them immediately. Shuffle the decks.
These are the maps to most of the facility.

Frenzy Alien
Gain a free attack for each 2 Alien tokens on this Character card. All attacks are made with no bonuses to hit or damage, including bonuses from Alien tokens.
Worse than sharks in bloody water.

Friendly Fire Ranged
If a character just made a Ranged attack and missed, he attacks a friendly character within range of your choice.

From Behind
Gain plus 1 damage in Close Combat. In addition, gain +1 damage if the character is Lethal, +1 damage if Alien, and +1 damage if a Queen.
At close quarters they are exceedingly lethal.

Get Away from Her
Character must change the target of his attack to a valid target you control. He gains +1 to hit. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
Over here!

Ghost Image
A hidden character adds one additional hidden movement marker this turn.
I'm gettin' a weird signal.

Good Shot Ranged
Plus 1 to hit. In addition, +1 to hit if Marksman or Veteran.
Check your target, exhale, and squeeze ...

Got It
Name a card. Search your deck until you find the named card. Discard all other cards seen. (If the searching character is a Scout, shuffle your deck instead.)
I knew this baby would come in handy someday.

A hit in Close Combat does half damage, but reduces the target's Speed by 2 until the end of the next turn.
They pull you down, then take you out.

Have Me Some Fun
Use Combat Pool to make a hit cause damage (ignoring armor and resistance) of: 1 Combat Pool -- 1 damage; 3 Combat Pool -- 2 damage; 6 Combat Pool -- 3 damage; or 10 Combat Pool -- 4 damage.
You're not gonna walk away from this one!

Head Shot Marksman or Veteran
Play before die roll. If roll to hit exceeds the defense by 1, rotate defender; by 3, plus 2 damage and rotate for 2 turns; by 5, defender is killed. Costs 2 Combat Pool.
It's the surest way to take out ANYTHING.

Heat of Battle
Unique. All players gain 1 Combat Pool at the beginning of each Combat round. Lasts 5 turns.
Get hot, people!

Heroic Stand Brave
Plus 2 to hit and plus 2 damage. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
Must have been one helluva fight.

Permanent. Play on a location. From now on, a character must rotate for two turns (or two characters must search) to find an item at this location.
Did you try looking under the floor plates?

Hidey Hole
Permanent. Play on a location. From now on, a character must rotate for two turns (or two characters must search) to find a supporting character at this location.
This little girl survived ... with no weapons and no training.

Hive Construction Alien
Rotate 2 Aliens to Hive this location.
It's made from some sort of secreted resin.

Hull Breach Damaged Location
Permanent. Causes 4 points of Environmental Damage to anyone at or moving through this location.
It's a catastrophic structural failure.

Hunt, The Predator
Choose a Marine or Queen. You gain double honor for killing it, but you cannot attack it unless its death would give you enough honor for victory. You may only play this card once per game.
They usually choose a worthy foe as their primary target on a hunt.

I Can Take It
Plus 1 resistance. In addition, +1 resistance if Marine and +1 resistance if Veteran.
It'll take a lot more than that to hurt a Marine!

I Can't Lock In
Motion Scanner is damaged for 2 turns.
You're not reading it right!

I Work Best Alone Scout
Character must be the only human at this location. He may add or subtract one (or two if veteran) from all die rolls involving him this turn. Costs two Combat Pool.
You'll just slow me down.

If It Bleeds
Plus 1 damage. In addition, +1 damage if Marine and +1 damage if Veteran.
... we can kill it.
Instinctive Escape
Plus 1 defense. In addition, +1 defense if the location has Cover, and +1 defense if Alien at a Hive location.
They don't need any training to move like that.

It Was a Bad Call
Character is Unlucky for 3 turns.
Bad decisions can cost lives, sometimes your own.

It's Just the Cat
Play when a hidden character's marker would be revealed by another player's actions. It remains hidden. Any attacks on it do not hit.

Roll a die, pay that much Combat Pool, then add or subtract one from any other die roll. You may repeat as long as you can pay every required Combat Pool cost.
Don't let up on the pressure!

Kill and Kill Again Predator
Gain a free attack if your roll to hit was at least 3 higher than the target's defenses.
Easy pickings.

Kill with No Honor, A
If a Predator just killed, and if the killed character's best damage was less than the Predator's resistance plus armor, the kill provides no honor.
Without risk, there is no honor.

Know Your Enemy
Permanent. Your hand size increases by 1 for reaching an opponent's starting location. May only play once for each opponent.
We've been learning its habits.

Lay of the Land Predator
Unique. Permanent. Rotate and play after moving through 5 different locations. Gain 1 Combat Pool at the beginning of each movement round.
A good hunter knows his hunting ground.

Learning Experience
Unique. Gain 1 Combat Pool for each target your characters attacked but did not hit this turn.
You'll know what NOT to do next time.

Let's Rock Ranged
Plus 1 to hit for all Marines with Ranged attacks at a single location. In addition, each Marine at the location firing a Smart Gun gains +1 to hit.
Call it personal initiative.

Like a Ghost
Character moving past opponents this turn gains 1 extra move (3 if hidden or a Scout).
For something so BIG, it sure moves quietly.

Limb from Limb
Increase Close Combat damage by 1 per 1 Combat Pool spent. Maximum is twice the damage target would have taken after resistance reduction.
Ain't no way for no soldier to die!

Long Range Shot Marksman, Ranged
Character attacks one location beyond his range with a Ranged weapon, but at -2 to hit.
It's beyond the theoretical range of the gun.

Look Sharp
Cancel any Event card that adds to or subtracts from a die roll, before the die is rolled. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
... 'cause it's your skin to loose.

Loose Formation
Permanent. Discard at any time, or when a new formation is played. Each Marine is +1 defense in Ranged Combat but -1 defense in Close Combat.
Don't bunch up, you'll make easy targets.

Loss of Command
Permanent. Marine opponent whose last Leader has been killed has his hand size drop by 1.
Pull your team out, Gorman!

Lucky Break Lucky
Play on a character you control when he is about to take damage. Choose an item to be destroyed instead. Character takes no damage. Discard item.
Now THAT was a good watch.

Play on an item to damage it for this turn. If the item's owner is Unlucky, the effect is permanent. Costs 2 Combat Pool.
It works like this ... err, it's supposed to work.

March of Time
All effects with a duration decrease in duration by one turn immediately.
Though you may not note its passage ...

Marine Short Course Marine, Veteran
Permanent. Add the Marine resource to one character you control at the same location as your Marine.
You started this. Show me everything. I can handle myself.

Marines, We Are Leaving Marine
Permanent. All of your characters are +1 speed, but must move to the Docking Bay by the shortest route, then evacuate.
Where's the sarge ... we're outta here!

Masterful Shot Ranged
Plus 1 to hit. In addition, plus 1 to hit if Veteran, plus 1 to hit if Marksman, and plus 1 to hit with a Scope Rifle. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
Maybe one guy in a thousand could make this shot.

Medical Assistance
Rotate a human or Predator to heal one point of damage. In addition, heal one point if the character owns a Medikit, one point if you control a Medic that is at his location, and two points if at an Infirmary.
Battlefield medicine is a science all its own.

Rotate a character you control to gain 1 Combat Pool (2 Combat Pool if Predator).
Mental readiness is the key to combat effectiveness.

Natural Selection
Unique. Permanent. Gain 1 Combat Pool for every character your Aliens capture or kill.
Survival of the fittest.

New Era in Science Marine
Your Marines learn how to use a Predator item you control at a cost in research equal to half the item's honor cost.
Too bad we can't build them as well as we use them.

Nobody's Home
While an opponent is moving, all your characters at one location gain 2 moves immediately. You may not enter or leave an enemy's location.
Whatever happened, we missed it.

Not So Fast
Cancel any Permanent Event card, or card with a duration of more than one turn. Costs two Combat Pool.
I may have something to say about that.

Nowhere to Hide
Unique. Character must pay 2 Combat Pool (1 Combat Pool if a Predator) to use hidden movement this turn.
And nowhere to run ...

Observe the Prey Predator
Each time your Predator or one of his hidden movement markers is attacked this turn, gain 1 Combat Pool.
He's stalking us ... like a hunter.

On a Roll
Character is allowed to roll again. Costs two Combat Pool or free if the character is lucky.
Press your advantages.

On the Move Predator or Tactics
Your character is -2 to hit, but gains 3 moves to use at the end of combat.
Chew on that while I take a walk.

Roll a second die when attacking. Add this roll -2 to your roll to hit.
Hope you saved enough shots to take him down.

Any 6 rolled to attack a Predator will hit this Combat round.
All I need to know is where they are.

Plus 1 damage. In addition, +1 damage if Predator, and +1 damage if more than one character is attacking your target.
Too little is never enough.

Permanent. Character may rotate to attack during the Movement round (with +2 to hit if he has Tactics). Discard this card when the character moves or rotates.
Anything comes through that door, you drop it where it stands.

Move an uncontrolled Supporting Character into an adjacent location of your choice. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
In case of emergency, remain calm and proceed to the nearest exit.

Passed By
Change the target of one Alien's attack to any other valid target.
We don't always understand their behavior.

Perfect Organism
All injured Aliens at one location heal all damage if a kill is made there.
My mommy always said there were no monsters. No real ones. But there are.

Pincer Grab Powerloader
Plus 2 to hit. A hit does no damage, but the defender cannot move or rotate until the attacker leaves the location or rotates.
Don't ask what to do with it once you've got it.

Pour It On Marksman, Ranged
Play on a character attacking Aliens. He gets free attacks, until he misses, at a cumulative -1 to hit. Pay 1 Combat Pool when making each attack.
Come and get it!
Power Outage
Permanent. Characters may not move between Elevator cards. Locations no longer have Communications or Computers.
How could they do this? They're animals!

Prepare Yourself Veteran
Player immediately refills his hand to its current size. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
Staying prepared means staying alive.

Primal Force
Add 1 to either a character's Speed, Power, or rolls to hit for each 2 Combat Pool spent, to a maximum of 2. Lasts for the rest of the turn.
I'm ready man! I'm ready to get it on!

Protect the Queen
All Aliens at your Queen's location are +1 Speed and +1 Power this turn. May only be played once per player per turn.
Their metabolism speeds up when the Queen is threatened.

Ransack Equipment, Military Arms, Weaponry, or Predator Item
The location becomes Damaged. Costs 2 Combat Pool.
He's going to trash the place.

Rapid Fire Marine, Ranged
Each of your Marines makes one free attack. Costs 4 Combat Pool.
Hold the trigger down and don't let go.

Ravaged Chamber Breeding Chamber, Damaged Location
Play on a Damaged Breeding Chamber. It can no longer mature Aliens. This effect is permanent. If an Alien Queen is present, she takes 1 point of Environmental Damage. Costs 5 Combat Pool.
It's the only way to stop them from breeding.

Ready for Trouble
Reveal one hidden movement marker at the same location as your character.
We're all strung out of shape. But stay frosty and alert.

Recon Scout
Begin using hidden movement with 2 markers.
Are any of your people in "B" block?

Reflexive Action
Plus 1 defense. In addition, +1 defense if Predator, and +1 defense if location if Open.
Train hard enough and it all becomes a matter of reflexes.

Unique. Remove this card from the game, along with all copies (in your deck, hand, or discards) of one other card of your choice. Shuffle your deck and discards without reducing your hand size.
OK people, let's try to avoid that mistake next time.

Remote Sensors Computers, Marine
You may view any hidden movement markers at one connected location.
Smile, you're on camera!

Rend Alien
Character does additional damage equal to the amount by which his roll to hit exceeded his target's defense.
Their claws will tear you apart.

Repair Damaged Item
Repair a Damaged item. Owner must be in the Machine Shop, or at a location with a Mechanic.
You really ought to take better care of it next time.

Play when a character gets to the Breeding Chamber before one of his species is matured. Captive is free and undamaged.
I won't leave you behind. I promise.

Rotate any of your characters at a location with an enemy to move them to an adjacent location without one. Costs 1 Combat Pool per character.
I like to call it a strategic withdrawal.

Right to the Wall
Roll 2 dice instead of 1 and take either roll. Costs 2 Combat Pool.
Great achievements surface under pressure.

Rip Asunder
Queen who has hit her target applies her damage twice.
She's big. Really big.

Permanent. If none of your opponent's Marines is a leader, name any two. They may not end the movement round in the same location.
Why can't we all just get along?

Roll with It
Plus 1 resistance. In addition, +1 resistance if Veteran, and +1 resistance if using armor.

Royal Jelly
Play when a Chest Burster matures. The new Alien becomes a Young Queen or Royal Guard instead of an Alien Warrior.
Mixed from saliva, the jelly chemically signals the developing organism.

Play immediately after an opponent kills one of your characters. You take Combat Pool from his pool equal to one-half the character's honor value.
You can't help them. You can't.

Saturation Fire Marine, Ranged
After declaring an attack, additional Marines who can target the defender may rotate to help. The attacker gains +1 to hit for each helper (+2 if the helper has Tactics). The attacker runs out of ammo.
I capped off 200 rounds ... nothing human could have survived.
Second Chance
Take a card from your discard pile and add it to your hand. Costs 3 Combat Pool.
If it worked once, it may work again.

Secure Position Confined
Character may not be attacked by more than 2 opponents this Combat round.
Try to get past this.

Security Doors Computers, Marine
For the next 2 turns, all your opponents' move costs are doubled.
We can't count on the doors to hold them.

Self Destruct Sequence Marine, Operations
Detonates at the end of 5 turns, destroying Operations, all connected locations, and their contents. Discard cards.
You now have five minutes to reach minimum safe distance.

Sensing Weakness Alien
Change the target of one of your Aliens at the start of Close Combat resolution. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
They're fast enough to change their target in the middle of a charge.

Settle the Score Veteran
Defender uses only his base resistance. Cancels all other protection.
I'm gonna cut your name in 'im!

Short, Controlled Bursts Veteran
Permanent. This character's weapons cannot run out of ammo.
A 3-round burst is optimum.

Situational Awareness
Examine another player's hand. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
Pay attention and who knows, you may live through this.

Slow Motion
Any effects lasting more than 1 turn increase their duration by 1 turn immediately.
In times of stress, everything seems to go in slow motion.

Snapshot Ranged
Play on a character during the Combat round. The character rotates immediately to attack at -1 to hit.
You don't always have time to aim. But you better make time to hit!

Somebody Wake Up Hicks
Ready one Character. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
You're not gonna accomplish anything sleeping.

Play on one of your characters. His movement is doubled, but his defense drops to 0 for the rest of the turn.
Sometimes the best defense is a quick pair of legs.

Stalking the Queen
Over multiple turns, rotate 1 character at 3 different Hive locations. He may now travel to and from the Breeding Chamber and any Hive location for 2 moves. Effect is Permanent.
Once you pinpoint its location, you can get there quickly.

Standoff Ranged
Any Alien attacks on characters you control at one location are canceled if those characters are not attacking.
There are very few things that will cause an Alien to pause.

Strong Survive, The
All but one Alien card you control at each location ignores Environmental Damage this turn.
Evolution has afforded them many defenses.

Structural Damage
Play after 20 points of Ranged damage missed their targets at one location in one Combat round. The location becomes Damaged.
I don't think the company's insurance policy will cover this.

Structural Repairs Damaged Location
Rotate an Engineer, or any character you control with a Hand Welder, to repair his location.
A new paint job and she'll be as good as new.

Study the Enemy Predator
Place another Event card under a character you control. In his next combat, he must play that card (discard if it is not valid).
Every detail of the prey's behavior is cataloged.

Success Breeds Success Marine
Unique. Permanent. Gain one Combat Pool for each supporting character you rescue.
Fewer civilians to protect translates into better combat efficiency.

Superior Analysis Leader, Tactics
Unique. For each attack this character observes this turn, at his or any adjacent location, add 1 Combat Pool to your Combat Pool.
The habits of the enemy are the key to his undoing.

Superior Species Alien
Each Alien token on card increases resistance by 1. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
... just one of those things was enough to wipe out my entire crew in less than 24 hours.

Sweep the Area
Search your deck for the next location card. Play it adjacent to a location where you have a character. Move the character to the new location. Shuffle your deck.
... then establish a perimeter.

Tail Lash Alien
Your Alien gains one free attack. If it hits, no damage is applied, but defender loses 2 speed until the end of the next combat round.
As if claws and teeth weren't bad enough ...

Tail Spear
Queen does +3 Damage
Her tail is barbed and big enough to take down anything.

Take Aim
After declaring an attack, you make no attack this turn, but are +3 to his the same target next turn.
The laser sight of a Predator can provide pinpoint accuracy.

Take Cover
Plus 1 defense against Ranged attacks. In addition, +2 defense if character's location has Cover.
What they can't see they can't hit.

Take Him with You Marine
Play on a Marine who was just hit with enough damage to kill him. The Marine gets one free attack against his killer before the damage is applied.
I can even the score.

Take Names
Gain 1 Combat Pool for each character or group your characters hit this turn. May only be played once per player per turn.
... and we're gonna kick some!

Take the Initiative
Attack at +1 to hit. You do no damage, but every point you roll above your target's defense reduces his Combat Pool by 1 Combat Pool. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
He who hesitates is lost.

Takedown Strike
Plus 1 to hit in Close Combat. In addition, +1 to hit in Close Combat if the attacker is Lethal.
Hit hard enough, and they WILL fall.

There's Something in Here
Play when an opponent enters one of your Hive locations. You immediately gain an Alien Warrior token on your Breeding Chamber.
They are everywhere in those hives.

This Changes Everything
Player shuffles his hand into his deck and redraws a new hand. Costs 3 Combat Pool.
This is not a situation we had planned for.

Tight Formation
Permanent. Discard at any time or when a new formation is played. Each marine is +1 defense in Close Combat but -1 defense in Ranged Combat.
Keep close and cover each other!

Tighten the Perimeter
Switch the position of two of your locations. Costs 1 Combat Pool per character at each location.
Don't give them too many avenues of attack.

Trick of the Light? Predator
Switch the location of 2 of your hidden markers for 2 Combat Pool, or for 4 Combat Pool if one of the markers is about to be revealed.
Everyone switch to infrared!

Cancel an Event card that increases a character's defense. Must be played before the die is rolled. Costs 1 Combat Pool.
Watch out for loose wiring and cables.

Twice As Deadly
Pay 3 Combat Pool (or 1 Combat Pool if Alien) to find more than one Supporting Character with one search activity.
They won't stop until we're all dead.

Twitchy Artificial Person Synthetic
Character may not move or rotate for the rest of the turn.
A few deaths were involved.

Weapon Cache
Permanent. Adds Weaponry resource to a location, or Military Arms if Weaponry is already present.
Hey, hey, hey! Take a look at what I just found.

Welcome to the War None
Attacker rolls two dice instead of one and must use the lower roll. Costs two Combat Pool (or free if the attacker is unlucky).
Now get moving!

Where There's One Breeding Chamber
A captured Supporting Character matures into 2 Chest Bursters instead of 1.
If you know of one, you can be sure there are others.

Will to Live, The
Play on a character who has just been killed. He actually survives, 1 damage short of death. Costs 3 Combat Pool.
Put away your handkerchiefs, will ya?

You Want Some of This? Ranged
Character makes one free Ranged attack against every character who has targeted him for Close Combat.
And you, you want some of this?
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This page was designed and created by Jen Gardner 1997, 1998

PREDATOR & 1987, 1997 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Copyright 1995-1996 HarperCollins Publishers
Harper , HarperCollins are trademarks of HarperCollins Publishers Inc.