The opportunity to publish Gerard Henderson's response to a Darville article on the Irving Trial obviously appealed to The Courier-Mail as a continuation of a public spat that many Australians find entertaining. Having taken vocal umbrage at the author's use of a Ukrainian pseudonym when "The Hand That Signed the Paper" was first published, Henderson was so eager to make it to the Sydney airwaves that he must have risked collision with Jeremy Jones.

Pipped to the 2BL post, he made do with Radio National to claim that her 1994 novel was essentially an unoriginal reworking of an old extreme right wing conspiracy theory mistakenly applauded by simple homespun academics such as Dame Leonie Kramer (currently Chancellor of the University of Sydney). And of course, that Irving's opinions are her opinions.

In spookily Jones-like vein, Henderson refers to HER allegation of "some kind of Jewish conspiracy" to back Lipstadt. Actually that one is pure Irving. Helen Darville only quotes from trial document 500 in which Lipstadt, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre and the Board of Deputies of British Jews explicitly conspire to trash Irving's reputation as a historian.

You may recall that the Board of Deputies of British Jews is the same organisation that informed US Immigration of Irving's 'alternative career' as a drugs baron and only escaped bankruptcy in a libel court because of the statute of limitations. This particular 'prank' meant that when Irving attempted to comply with a voluntary departure notice from Canada, he was turned back at the US border and was subsequently deported in handcuffs - which the Australian Government then citied as evidence of his 'poor character' when refusing entry in 1992.

(And to be fair to David Irving's "Jewish conspiracy", how was Gerard to know that the State of Israel would release the otherwise useless Eichmann papers only days later as a public gesture of support for Lipstadt's case.)

In his own piece of polemic, Henderson manages to complain that the article is "very much one-sided," and yet "It's partly critical of David Irving and partly not critical of David Irving" which to our confused minds would suggest a degree of impartiality the man is determined to ignore. He also makes a point of whinging about alleged libeller Deborah Lipstadt not having a say on the article - despite the fact that her refusal to talk to ANY media has been publicised even as far as Sydney.

His eagerness to see her work quoted to a more mainstream audience is truly touching, and we at the FAIRFAX ARE YELLOW! website are happy to oblige by quoting this example of her razor sharp insight and thorough fact checking from the same book recently before Britain's High Court, "Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory".

"In Australia and New Zealand, Holocaust denial has adopted a particularly deceptive guise. The Australian Civil Liberties Union, camouflaging its intentions behind a façade of defending civil liberties, is in fact an ardently anti-Semitic organisation. Its bookstore sells an array of traditional anti-Semitic works, including denial tracts and its leader, John Bennett, has called the Holocaust a "gigantic lie" designed to foster support for Israel. Under him the League has distributed denial and neo-Nazi material and arranged for radio interviews by Fred Leuchter, the self described "engineer" and gas chamber expert who claims to have conducted scientific tests at Auschwitz and Majdanek proving that the gas chambers there could not have functioned as homicidal killing units" (p13)

Half way through this paragraph the absolutely respectable Australian Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is magically transformed into 'the League", a reference to Australia's League of Rights from whom the behaviour Lipstadt describes is more readily expected. 

In the original edition of "Denying the Holocaust", the same quote and rightful leadership of the Australian League of Rights (both belonging to Eric Butler) were mistakenly attributed to John Bennett. The appalled civil liberties lawyer contacted Lipstadt who didn't even deign to reply and then "corrected" later editions by attributing the activities of the racist League of Rights to the Australian Civil Liberties Union.  As Mr Bennett also points out in the following extract from the ACLU's annual "Your Rights" publication (edition 2000), far from Fred Leuchter being "interviewed on the radio and given other significant media coverage", the man has never actually been to Australia.

"Claims by Lipstadt that I am "the leader" of the Australian League of Rights, that I have claimed the Holocaust is a "gigantic lie", and that Fred Leuchter, who had demonstrated that people could not have been gassed at Auschwitz, has visited Australia, are all incorrect, and amount to an "assault on truth". I am not the "leader" of the Australian League of Rights, and am not now and never have been even a member of the group. I understand the group is a Christian group, that it promotes an economic theory of social credit, and that it believes in an International Fabian Socialist conspiracy, orchestrated by the left wing Fabian Society. I am not a Christian, do not believe in social credit, and far from believing in a Fabian conspiracy, am a long standing member of he Fabian Society, and a former member of its executive.

The only organisations I belong to apart from the Fabian Society, are the Society of Labour Lawyers, the Free Speech Committee, and the Australian Civil Liberties Union of which I am President. It was because of my interest in freedom of speech, that I became interested in historical revisionism. While I agree with the growing number of Jewish writers that the extent of the Jewish Holocaust has been exaggerated, I have never said it is a "gigantic lie". The claim that Fred Leuchter has visited Australia, is simply factually incorrect. Lipstadt's "growing assault on truth", is continued in the only footnote relating to the half page on revisionism in Australia. The seven sentences in the footnote contain three errors of fact. Lipstadt did not reply to my letter dated 17/10/94 making the above points and made only one alteration to the text about me in the second edition."(p82)

Apparently Deborah Lipstadt is incapable of recognising the difference between someone who disagrees with her, and a far right anti-Semitic idealogue. This is perhaps not the best foundation from which to claim moral and/or scholarly superiority over the work of David Irving, who in her assessment  has the habit of "distorting evidence and manipulating documents to serve his own purposes" (p161). It may however explain her attraction as an 'authority' for Gerard Henderson and the Australian Jewish Lobby at large, who have similar troubles relating to the work of Helen Darville.

Who in the Hell is Gerard Henderson?
Director of the Sydney Institute, a privately funded think tank, Gerard Henderson is also known as something of a Zionist head kicker. He held a senior advisory position to John Howard, leader of the opposition Liberal Party (now Prime Minister) until his politics drifted and a biography of his erstwhile boss was used to ass crawl Paul Keating, then leader of the ruling Labour Party.

With publication timed to coincide with the 1996 federal election, Henderson's critique of Howard's policies spectacularly failed to out think the public mood which went on to present John Howard's Liberal Party with a landslide victory.

Noting Henderson's reputation as a "hired gun" - we at the FAIRFAX ARE YELLOW! website felt it appropriate to award him the (in)famous sieg runen of the Nazi SS, who, let's face it, were full of mercenaries just like him. In fact, for such an avowedly racist organisation, the SS had a remarkably multicultural recruitment  policy (so there's hope for you yet, Gerard - all you have to do is keep on saying what you're told to say). 

SS sieg runen
The FAIRFAX ARE YELLOW! website will publish the transcript of Henderson's response to the Courier-Mail's Saturday feature as soon as we can get one, though we understand that much of it is taken up with complaints about a non-issue (ie. the non-availability of Lipstadt).

Until that time we present the article by Helen Darville which Henderson was allowed to see before submitting his own piece.

The High Price of Free Speech

Courier Mail, Saturday 4 March

There are times when David Irving's arguments in the libel action he's brought against Deborah Lipstadt start to sound like the line out of Mel Brooks' The Producers

"Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill. Hitler was a better singer than Churchill. Churchill couldn't even say 'Nazis'. He'd say Naahzies, bloody Naahzies".

However, the trial has sparked renewed public interest in the Holocaust. You can't buy a book on the subject in Britain.

"I'm sorry," the nice young man in Waterstones Piccadilly tells me. "All I've got is an empty shelf in the 'History' section." This in Europe's largest bookshop.

Since most books on the Holocaust worth reading are by expert witnesses to the trial, perhaps this is not surprising.

Interestingly, there's been no obvious rush to embrace neo-Nazism among the British people, despite the fact that Irving's views have been widely and respectfully reported in the British press. I think it's reasonable to assume that, were David Irving to be admitted to Australia, the result would be similar. It's unlikely we'll see neo-Nazis goose-stepping their way around King George Square.

The case for allowing David Irving entry to Australia is a simple one. "Freedom of Speech" has been done to death in debates about him, but is no less relevant. As I see it, either everyone has the right to express their views, or no-one does. I don't think it's possible to justify exceptions in a democracy.

Irving's threat to the Australian body politic is greatly overrated. The assumption on the part of bodies like the Executive Council of Australian Jewry - that if we allow Irving into the country, he'll "win converts" to his views - is naive. This patronisingly assumes that people believe everything they hear or read.

Make no mistake, David Irving's views- not only on the Holocaust, but on other matters, such as Commonwealth immigration to Great Britain - are noxious. Among other things, he contends that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau and despises racial mixing. Nonetheless, he neither condones nor incites violence. He's banned from Australia simply because of his opinions.

For what it's worth, I think democracies need to be tested by the presence of people like David Irving. A democracy behaves like an immune system: unless it's challenged, it weakens overtime. Open public debate means the invading virus of a dissenting view can be met and rendered harmless. Suppressing debate for reasons of political expediency or to avoid offence weakens the credibility of the system we in the West are so fond of exporting to eastern Europe and the Third World.

When discussing Irving's opinions, people focus almost exclusively on what he says, not what he writes. The trial has revealed a vast difference between the two. His speeches are easy to mine for racist material and tactless "Holocaust humour". Incendiary statements, by contrast, are not a feature of his published work. Scholars like John Keegan and Hugh Trevor-Roper respect David Irving the historian. By contrast, David Irving the public speaker is almost "a riot in formation." 

Abstractions aside, Irving's banning also infringes the civil rights of his daughter Beatrice in Brisbane. You and I expect to see our parents - in the words of the legal formula - without "let or hindrance". Beatrice Irving cannot have her father visit.

Showing this small measure of sympathy for David Irving's position has earned me - yet again - the label "anti-Semite". This charge is not only bullshit, but by its very nature can't be disproved. My view of the Holocaust is wholly conventional. The Nazis killed approximately six million Jews and half a million Gypsies between 1939 and 1945. Many were shot by the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads), many were starved in ghettos and concentration camps, many were gassed in what can only be described as purpose-built factories of death. Some of the killings were carried out with sickening enthusiasm, especially when the Nazis used ethnic minority collaborators.

That this is my belief is abundantly clear in everything I've written. Yet, come Monday, you can put money on Jeremy Jones, Danny Ben Moshe, Gerard Henderson, Robert Manne etc labelling me an "anti-Semite" and a "Holocaust denier." Secure in the knowledge that I'm neither, I accepted a commission from Australian Style to cover the Irving libel trial.

An historical event as complex as the Holocaust needs to be dispassionately studied. The trial means that many major documents - such as Eichmann's memoirs - are aired in a politically sterile environment (a court of law) and publicly debated. This has never happened before. The mythology of Schindler's List, with its deceptive and wholly untypical happy ending is decisively refuted. History emerges, in Justice Gray's words, "out from beneath the mountains of paper."






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